Tag Archives: Afghanistan


Twenty Taliban fighters and two Afghan policemen were killed during fighting throughout the country. ISAF has resumed joint operations with the Afghan National Security Forces. The Taliban claimed they captured the Wardoj district in Badakhshan.


British-built schools in Afghanistan may be forced to close


EXCLUSIVE: Senior al Qaeda figure ‘living in Libyan capital’


ISAF killed an al Qaeda facilitator in Kunar and several Haqqani Network fighters in Khost. The Taliban killed five people in an attack on a village in Faryab. Eight Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Baghlan.


Insight: In US soldier’s death, a window into Afghan insider killings


Muslim world demands int’l action to stop religious insults


The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in a suicide attack on a convoy in Logar, and two civilians in an IED attack in Helmand. Sixteen school girls in Kabul were poisoned. The Interior Ministry claimed its forces killed 51 Taliban.

ISAF data show insurgent attacks down, civilian casualties up

ISAF has released its monthly data trends report for August 2012. ISAF’s data show that the number of attacks by insurgents in Afghanistan has decreased slightly this year, by 5 percent when compared to the first eight months of 2011. However, the overall level of violence remains greater than prior to the surge and the number of civilian casualties has increased in recent months.


The Afghan military claimed it killed 49 Taliban fighters in Helmand. Four anti-Taliban militia members and 24 Taliban fighters were killed in clashes in Ghazni. The Taliban released a video detailing some of the planning for the assault on Camp Bastion and kidnapped four tribal leaders in Faryab. The chief of police for Badghis province […]