Tag Archives: Afghanistan


The Taliban killed four Afghan soldiers in Kunar and a policeman and five civilians in Faryab. ISAF killed 10 Taliban fighters and four civilians in an airstrike in Ghazni.


The Taliban killed a district police chief in Balkh and an ISAF soldier in the south. ISAF killed a Haqqani Network leader in Paktia and captured an IMU leader in Kunduz.


Interview with Vladimir Yakunin on Tensions Between Russia and West: ‘Russia and the West are drifting apart’


The Taliban killed seven members of the Afghan Local Police in Helmand. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters. The Kandahar provincial council accused the Quetta Shura of encouraging locals to grow poppy.


Panetta calls on NATO to “fill the gap” in training Afghanistan’s national defense forces


Three Afghan soldiers and seven Taliban fighters were killed during clashes throughout the country. The Taliban killed three civilians and a policeman in IED attacks in Helmand.


UN envoy says Afghanistan is not headed for collapse, international support will continue


A suicide bomber killed two members of the National Directorate of Security in an attack in Lashkar Gah in Helmand. Afghan Border Policemen killed five “insurgents” in an attack on a border checkpoint in Nangarhar.


The Taliban killed a policeman’s two children in Ghazni. Policemen killed a suicide bomber in Helmand. Four Taliban fighters died in a premature detonation in Wardak. A cleric offered a $300,000 bounty for the murder of the producer of a film that insulted the Prophet Mohammed.