Tag Archives: Afghanistan


The Taliban killed two ISAF interpreters in Logar. Security forces captured several Taliban weapons facilitators. Pakistan is handing over several mid and low-level Taliban operatives to the Afghan peace council.


One person was killed in a rocket attack in Kabul. An ISAF soldier was killed in an explosion at a base in the south. ISAF killed a Taliban commander in Helmand.


Twenty-three Taliban fighters and an Afghan soldier were killed in fighting in Kapisa and Wardak, and a suicide bomber was gunned down in Kunar. US drones reportedly killed three children in Logar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the east.


Afghan reconciliation: Kabul’s top negotiator seeks release of Taliban prisoners


The Taliban killed six civilians, including a baby, in an IED attack in Khost, and killed two more in an IED attack in Helmand. Afghan soldiers killed a British soldier and wounded another in Helmand, and wounded a Spanish soldier in Badghis. ISAF captured an IMU weapons facilitator in Kunduz.


The Taliban killed an ISAF solider in the east. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters and commanders. Sweden will reduce the number of troops in country from 500 to 200 by the end of 2013.


The Taliban killed 12 civilians and eight security personnel in four bombings; three policemen were killed in a suicide attack in Kandahar; five soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Laghman; and 12 civilians were killed in IED attacks in Helmand and Zabul.


UK – Five Marines charged with murdering Taliban prisoner will not be named during their trial


Obama must concentrate on militants sanctuaries in Pakistan: Karzai spokesman