Tag Archives: Afghanistan


The Taliban killed five civilians in a bombing in Uruzgan and two ISAF soldiers in an IED attack in the south. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Zabul and Faryab. Ismail Khan will remain the Minister of Energy and Water despite rebuilding his militia in the west.


A Taliban suicide assault team killed three Afghan guards and four civilians in an attack on FOB Fenty in Nangarhar; nine Taliban fighters were also killed. The Taliban killed killed three civilians in a suicide attack in Uruzgan yesterday and an ISAF soldier in the south. Police claimed to have killed 27 Taliban fighters.


NATO aims to repair Russia ties despite Patriot row


Israeli Success in Downing Hamas Rockets Has World’s Attention

Boko Haram emir praises al Qaeda

Abubakar-Shekau.jpgAbubakar Shekau said he and his fighters support jihad in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Algeria, Libya, and Mali.


The Taliban killed 10 civilians in a bus bombing in Uruzgan, four civilians in an IED attack in Ghazni, and one child in a bombing in Khost. Three Taliban fighters in Zabul reconciled with the government.


The Taliban killed six civilians in Helmand and five more in Kunar, and also killed three Afghan soldiers in Badghis. Twelve Taliban fighters and two Afghan soldiers were killed during a clash in Laghman. A suicide bomber wounded seven people in Kandahar.

Al Qaeda

After 22 months in Af-Pak hot seat, Grossman to ‘return to private life’


The Taliban killed an ISAF solider yesterday in an IED attack in the south. Two people were killed after Afghan police forces clashed among themselves in Baghlan. ISAF killed a Taliban commander in Kunar.


Pakistan ranked ‘most dangerous place for journalists’ second year running