Tag Archives: Afghanistan


ISAF supports President Karzai’s decree that Afghan forces should not receive ISAF air support. Security forces killed three Taliban fighters and detained several others. Thirty-five Taliban fighters in Herat reconciled with the government.


President Karzai said that he will issue a decree that prevents the Afghan military from requesting ISAF air support. Officials in Badghis province said Pakistanis are training the Taliban.


Afghan Withdrawal’s Main Hurdle – Getting Gear Out


The military said 23 Taliban fighters were killed in operations in Helmand, Uruzgan, Kunar, Nuristan, Kunduz, Nangarhar, Wardak, and Khost provinces. Two people, including a former NDS district chief, were killed in a bombing in Kunar.


Afghan officials said ISAF killed 10 civilians and four Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Kunar; ISAF claimed it killed two Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Kunar, and said no civilians were killed. The Taliban killed a tribal elder in Helmand, and denied it met with Fazl Rehman in Qatar.

Pakistani Taliban praise slain American, British jihadists

Inaam-TTP-martyrdom-video-SITE.pngPictures of an American identified as Inaam and a Brit known as Abbas are shown with top leaders of the Taliban, al Qaeda, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, and other terrorist groups who have been killed while waging jihad across the globe over the past four decades.

Al Qaeda

Timbuktu: al-Qaeda’s terrorist training academy in the Mali desert


General Dunford has assumed command of ISAF. ISAF has begun to withdraw equipment from Afghanistan via Pakistan. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Helmand.


The Taliban killed six civilians in an IED attack in Helmand and a policeman in a bombing in Herat. Police killed five Taliban fighters in operations throughout the country. ISAF captured an IMU leader in Burkah.