Tag Archives: Afghanistan


Three Afghan soldiers attacked a US military base in Kapisa province, and killed a civilian contractor. The three Afghan soldiers were killed. US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel made his first trip to Afghanistan.


Security forces killed 14 Taliban fighters during operations throughout the country. The Taliban killed three policemen in an IED attack in Farah. CENTCOM commander General Mattis said the US would equip the Afghan military with drones.


Mattis recommends post-2014 force of 20,000 in Afghanistan


A Taliban suicide assault team killed six policemen in an assault on a district center in Paktika. The Taliban killed 16 soldiers in Badakhshan. Taliban prisoners seized control of a British-funded prison in Helmand.


NATO chief backs proposal to keep more Afghan troops in place through 2018, despite expense


Dam and other Afghan projects being scaled back as U.S. picks up pace of withdrawalt


Senior NATO and Afghan officials condemned the statement by the head Pakistani cleric that suicide attacks in Afghanistan are justifiable. Five Taliban fighters were killed in an uprising in Faryab. The Taliban killed a US soldier in the south on March 3.


The Afghan military and police claimed to have killed 18 Taliban fighters in raids throughout the country. A Kazakh member of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan was captured in Kunduz. ISAF apologized for killing two Afghan boys in Uruzgan.


The Taliban killed eight policemen and two civilians in an IED attack in Kunar. Security forces killed a senior Haqqani Network attack facilitator in Logar.