Fareed helped in Afghanistan, but Denmark won’t help him
Fareed helped in Afghanistan, but Denmark won’t help him
The Al Fajr Media Center referred to Khalid bin Abdul Rahman al Husainan in terms used to describe dead leaders and fighters. Husainan was killed in a drone strike in late 2012.
US refuse to transfer high-risk prisoners to Afghan control
NDS forces raided a Haqqani Network safe house in eastern Kabul, killing five militants, capturing two others, and seizing a 7,800-kg truck bomb wired for detonation. The bomb’s destructive capacity had a radius of nearly one mile, according to Afghan officials.
Hundreds Protest Against US in Wardak
13,000 girls deprived of education in Khost
Karzai Will Bring on Govt Downfall: National Coalition
US General Puts Troops on Security Alert After Karzai Remarks
ISAF has targeted the al Qaeda-linked Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan eight times so far this year. The captured IMU commander is from Uzbekistan.
US spy agencies more pessimistic on Afghan war
A suicide bomber killed 10 civilians, including the father and brother of the speaker of parliament, in an attack in Kunduz. Security forces killed five suicide bombers and captured two more in Kabul.
Analysis: Afghan security vacuum feared along “gateway to Kabul”
Ex-Spy Chief: Pakistan Sees Afghanistan As ‘Sub-Nation’
Sweden – Riksdag ‘misled’ about Afghanistan mission
Pakistan – A Few Words : Talking to the Taliban: consequences
Russia’s Top Drug Cop Warns On Afghan Opiates
An Afghan policeman killed two US Special Forces soldiers and two Afghan security personnel in an attack at a base in Wardak. The military said seven Taliban fighters were killed in a premature detonation in Helmand. Twenty Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Kunduz.
Maghreb youth answer al-Qaeda call
Tough questions linger a year after Toulouse killings
An Afghan Local Policeman opened fire on a US Special Forces base in Wardak. The attack is the second of its kind in four days.
An in-depth article by the Afghan Analysts Network shows why the Afghan government’s plan for a regional ulema ‘peace conference’ on suicide attacks is likely to fail.
“The bombs that went off in Kabul and Khost yesterday were not a show of power to America, but were in service to America…” the Afghan president said.
Karzai Says Taliban ‘in Service to America’
Few Illusions as Afghan Exit Nears
Pakistan supply routes open, but move gear slowly into Afghanistan
The Taliban killed nine people in a suicide attack outside of the Defense Ministry in Kabul and nine more in another suicide attack in Khost. A prominent Afghan political leader in Herat escaped another assassination attempt. The transfer of the Parwan Detention Facility to Afghan control has been delayed yet again.
The suicide attacks took place as US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was visiting the capital to discuss the handover of security to Afghan forces.
US Cancels Transfer of Bagram Prison to Afghans
A bomb intended for the convoy of Afghan political leader Ustad Mohammad Mohaqiq exploded prematurely; a second bomb detonated by the stadium where Mohaqiq was expected to attend a political event, injuring three civilians. This was the third assassination attempt against Mohaqiq since June 2012.
Best man Afghan Taliban may replace top negotiator