The Afghanistan NGO Safety Office reported that Taliban attacks are up 47% the first quarter of this year as compared to last. Officials claimed 20 Taliban fighters were killed in Ghazni.
The Afghanistan NGO Safety Office reported that Taliban attacks are up 47% the first quarter of this year as compared to last. Officials claimed 20 Taliban fighters were killed in Ghazni.
Afghanistan – MPs Call to Stop Releasing Taliban Prisoners
As US forces draw down from southern Afghanistan, the evolving IED tactics race enters its final stages.
The Taliban killed 13 members of a pro-government militia in Ghazni, while a suicide bomber killed five policemen and two civilians in Helmand. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters in Laghman and two more in Helmand. Five would-be suicide bombers, including a woman, were detained in Nangarhar.
In the past, ISAF has stated that the northern province of Samangan was home to IMU training camps for fighters operating in the region.
The Taliban killed four civilians in an attack on a police checkpoint in Helmand. Seventeen girls were hospitalized after being poisoned at school in Takhar. General Dunford said the Taliban continue to benefit from safe havens in Pakistan.
Afghan violence cutting more civilians off from healthcare, warns Red Cross
Afghanistan – Cross-border insurgent attacks increasing in east
German Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leaders Yassin and Mounir Chouka and other top IMU figures praised Samir Hatour, who was killed by the US in a strike in North Waziristan in March 2012.
Taliban in Qatar see no early peace talks with US: sources
The Taliban kidnapped and then beheaded four members of the Afghan security forces in Jawzjan. The Red Crescent suspended work in northern Afghanistan after two of its workers were killed and two more injured in an attack in Jawzjan. Joint security forces detained a senior Taliban leader in Helmand and a Haqqani leader in Paktia. […]
Afghan commandos killed a Taliban commander and 21 of his fighters, and captured 17 more during a raid in the Bati Kot district in Nangarhar. General Dunford said that US forces should remain in Afghanistan after 2014.
A Question of Morality: Germany’s Afghan Staff Fear Reprisals
Some Hopeful Signs out of the Afghan Army
The kidnapped chief of a university in Balkh was found dead; his son blamed former jihadist leaders in the area for the crime. Afghan commandos killed 22 insurgents in Nangarhar. Seven civilians died in a roadside bombing in Zabul.
Islamist agitation fuels unrest in Bangladesh
Afghan farmers return to opium as other markets fail
Also, an “insurgent leader” who financed foreign fighters and coordinated attacks throughout Afghanistan was killed in Kunar province.
Afghan Interpreters for the US Are Left Stranded and at Risk
While ISAF is reporting and commenting on raids against the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, it is unwilling to discuss al Qaeda’s operations in Afghanistan.
Ghazni to be formally introduced as Islamic civilisation capital
New Details Emerge of US Diplomat’s Death in Afghanistan
Afghans Failing Security Test In Badakhshan
The Taliban overran an Afghan Army military post in Kunar, killing 13 soldiers and capturing two more; five Taliban fighters were also killed during the assault. A Taliban judge, 11 fighters, and four civilians were killed during clashes in Sar-i-Pul, Helmand, and Nangarhar.
The Afghan unit was from one of a few battalions rated to operate independently and without ISAF advisers. Kunar remains a Taliban and al Qaeda haven.
US reconstruction effort in Afghan provinces is unfinished work
The Taliban killed four Afghans in two bombings in Helmand and Uruzgan, and two children in a mortar attack in Paktika. Special operations forces killed a relative of an advisor to President Karzai during a raid in Uruzgan.
Officers with the 2/1/205 Afghan National Army assess their capability, local politics, and the prospects for the Taliban and the uprising against insurgents in Panjwai district.
An Afghan National Army soldier opened fire on Lithuanian soldiers in an armored vehicle at an ANA control post, less than two months after security responsibility for the district was turned over to the ANA.
Peace Envoys From Taliban at Loose Ends in Qatar