Tag Archives: Afghanistan


The Taliban killed 45 civilians in an IED attack in Kandahar. A policeman killed six of his colleagues in Takhar. A hail storm damaged 50 ISAF helicopters based at Kandahar Air Field.


ISAF commander General Dunford said there is “improved security across the country.” Security forces captured eight Pakistani Taliban fighters in Panjwai district in Kandahar.


Civilian casualties have risen by 30 percent over the past three months when compared with last year. Sixteen Taliban fighters and five policemen were killed in Faryab. The Taliban killed five children in a bombing in Kandahar. Turkey will keep some troops in Afghanistan after NATO pulls out at the end of 2014.


An Afghan policeman killed three of colleagues in Faryab, then killed a Taliban commander and himself. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the east, four civilians in Kandahar, and a prosecutor, his wife, and three civilians in Faryab.


The Taliban captured 11 people, including eight Turks and a Russian pilot, after their helicopter landed in Logar due to bad weather. ISAF killed a senior IMU commander in Balkh and a senior Taliban leader in Kandahar.


The Taliban killed six policemen in Ghazni, and a suicide bomber killed three civilians in Paktika. Security forces killed two “insurgents” while hunting for an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader in Balkh. Fifty-nine schoolgirls were poisoned in Takhar. The Taliban also mutilated two security guards in Herat.


The Afghanistan NGO Safety Office reported that Taliban attacks are up 47% the first quarter of this year as compared to last. Officials claimed 20 Taliban fighters were killed in Ghazni.


The Taliban killed 13 members of a pro-government militia in Ghazni, while a suicide bomber killed five policemen and two civilians in Helmand. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters in Laghman and two more in Helmand. Five would-be suicide bombers, including a woman, were detained in Nangarhar.


The Taliban killed four civilians in an attack on a police checkpoint in Helmand. Seventeen girls were hospitalized after being poisoned at school in Takhar. General Dunford said the Taliban continue to benefit from safe havens in Pakistan.