Tag Archives: Afghanistan


Eight Taliban fighters were killed in a premature detonation in Zabul. The Taliban killed six civilians in IED attacks in Helmand. Six Taliban fighters and two children were killed in clashes in Kunduz. The Red Cross has withdrawn some of its personnel after last week’s suicide assault on its office in Jalalabad.


Afghanistan – Poppy Cultivation To Increase If Farmers’ Issues Not Dealt With: AREU


A suicide bomber killed 11 students, two US soldiers, and a member of the Afghan Local Police in an attack in Paktia. The Taliban killed eight civilians in an IED attack in Laghman.


Thirteen Taliban fighters and four policemen were killed during clashes at police outposts in Nuristan. Afghan officials claimed that 33 Taliban fighters were killed in Badakhshan. ISAF helicopters gunned down six Haqqani Network fighters in Paktia.


The governor of Paktika claimed that 61 Taliban fighters were killed during operations near the Pakistani border. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers and an ISAF civilian, and four Afghans in Uruzgan.

Afghan NDS disrupts Kabul terror plot

Afghan intelligence forces stormed a militant safe house in Kabul City late on May 29. Afghan forces arrested six would-be suicide bombers and killed a seventh suspect. Suicide vests and other explosives were seized in the operation.


The Taliban denied that its fighters attacked a Red Cross office in Jalalabad with suicide four bombers. The Red Cross has suspended work in Afghanistan. Members of an anti-Taliban uprising in Ghazni claimed their group killed 25 enemy fighters. Afghan forces killed seven Taliban fighters in Logar.


Security forces killed three Taliban fighters in Kunduz while attempting to capture a Taliban commander involved in making suicide vests. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the east. A US soldier who murdered 16 Afghan civilians in Kandahar in 2012 will plead guilty to avoid the death penalty.


The Taliban claimed credit for a suicide assault on the governor’s compound in Panjshir; six memebrs of the assault team and a guard were killed. Three members of a suicide assault team and a guard were killed during an attack on a Red Cross office in Jalalabad.