Tag Archives: Afghanistan


The Taliban killed three civilians and two policemen in two separate IED attacks in Helmand province. The Obama administration’s top spokesman confirmed that the “zero option,” where no US troops would be stationed in Afghanistan after 2014, is still being considered.


The Taliban killed 17 women and children in an IED attack in Herat and gunned down a tribal leader in Uruzgan. A Slovakian soldier was killed and 3 more were wounded in an insider attack at Kandahar Air Field.

Senior Taliban commanders killed in northern Afghanistan

Senior Taliban commanders, including two deputy provincial shadow governors, have been killed in joint Afghan and Coalition security operations targeting militant hideouts in Jawzjan province. Two other prominent Taliban commanders were killed in Faryab province.


The military said that 14 Afghan soldiers were killed in attacks and bombings in Helmand, Kandahar, Paktika, Kabul, and Kunar. Security forces killed 18 Taliban fighters during a clash in Jawzjan province.


Afghanistan military forces fighting in mountainous border still face aggressive fight


The Taliban killed six schoolchildren in an IED attack in Helmand, the senior female police officer in Helmand in a shooting outside of her home, a police officer in Nangarhar, and an ISAF soldier in the west. Three aid workers were kidnapped in Herat.


Four Nepalese security guards and three Afghans were killed in a Taliban suicide assault in Kabul. Three Taliban fighters and a member of the Afghan Local Police were killed in a clash in Kunduz. The Taliban killed three civilians in an IED attack in Farah.