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The Taliban killed five people in a suicide attack in Kandahar, 12 people in an IED attack in Helmand, seven more in another roadside bombing in Parwan, and an ISAF soldier in the east. Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters and detained 10 more in Wardak.
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The Taliban killed a district governor and 19 civilians in a suicide bombing at a mosque in Kunduz, and killed five children in a bombing in Baghlan. The Interior Ministry claimed that 57 Taliban fighters were killed during operations throughout the country.
The Taliban and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan are the likely culprits; the groups are integrated in the north and have conducted similar attacks in the past.
The Taliban killed 15 security officials, including a police chief and the deputy intelligence chief during an ambush in Farah. Security officials claimed that 32 Taliban fighters have been killed during operations throughout Afghanistan. The Interior Ministry wants the government to execute captured would-be suicide bombers.
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Three major clashes between the Taliban and Afghan security forces have been reported on the Herat-Kandahar highway over the past two weeks.
The Taliban launched suicide attacks on a PRT in Ghazni and an ISAF convoy in Helmand. The Taliban killed six truck drivers and destroyed 40 NATO fuel tankers in Farah. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Kabul. A policeman wounded 16 of his colleagues in an insider attack in Kandahar.
Members of the suicide assault team penetrated security at the Provincial Reconstruction Team in Ghazni. A Taliban suicide bomber also struck in the provincial capital of Helmand.
The Taliban killed 12 Afghans in attacks in Herat and Paktia. Goverment officials said that 20 Taliban fighters and four policemen were killed in fighting in Ghazni. A Taliban commander and 16 fighters reconciled with the government in Laghman.
The Interior Ministry claimed that 12 Taliban fighters were killed during operations in Baghlan, Kapisa, Kunduz, Jawzjan, Wardak, Logar, Farah, Helmand, and Uruzgan. Two Afghan soldiers and five Taliban fighters were killed during an assault on an Army base in Kapisa. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in an attack in the south.
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The attack takes place just days after the governor of Kapisa said that the Taliban, HIG, and the Haqqani Network are in control of large areas of the province.
The Taliban killed five soldiers in attacks in Kandahar, Helmand, and Uruzgan, and two children in a bombing in Helmand. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters and retook a checkpoint lost earlier last week, and killed 11 more Taliban fighters in Ghazni.
Security forces killed two Taliban fighters and captured a commander in Nangarhar. The Taliban killed a Polish soldier during fighting in Ghazni.
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The Coalition told The Long War Journal that a strike on Aug. 21 did indeed take place in Marawana but could not confirm if al Qaeda commander Qari Zia Rahman was killed.
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The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in separate attacks in the east. Security forces killed a Taliban commander and three fighters in Kunduz. The Taliban are in control of areas of the Tagab and Alasai districts in Kapisa, and are said to be winning the battle to control of the Kabul-Kandahar highway.
Security forces claimed to have killed 40 Taliban fighters in Kandahar and 15 more in Helmand. The Taliban took control of the Azra district in Logar just one week after the military ended an operation there. A Taliban suicide bomber killed one person in an attack that targeted Farah’s intelligence chief.
The Afghan military claimed Qari Zia Rahman was killed in an airstrike in Kunar, but the report is not confirmed. The wanted al Qaeda and Taliban commander has been reported killed in the past.
A suicide bomber killed three civilians and two members of the Afghan Local Police in Logar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in a direct fire attack in the east and the director of the passport office in a bombing in Uruzgan, and executed a prosecutor who was held hostage in Zabul.
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Officials in Farah claimed that 72 Taliban fighters and 11 members of the Public Protection Forces were killed in a major clash on the Ring Road. Four policemen were killed in an IED attack in Kapisa. The president’s office denied it sacked the attorney general for conducting talks with the Taliban.
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