Amid drawdown, fears of Taliban resurgence and economic collapse
Amid drawdown, fears of Taliban resurgence and economic collapse
Mapping special operations forces raids against al Qaeda and allied groups in Afghanistan shows that al Qaeda’s network has remained active in Afghanistan up until ISAF ceased issuing press releases on its targeting in June 2013.
Hagel: Afghan anti-terror planning still underway
CIA drone strike program in Pakistan winding down
As the US prepares to exit Afghanistan, officials are starting to realize that al Qaeda still maintains a strong presence in the country.
As Obama draws down, al Qaeda grows in Afghanistan
Afghans anxious over Obama plan to end troop presence by 2016
The US will maintain 9,800 troops for training and counterterrorism missions until the end of 2015, halve that number by the beginning of 2016, and then pull out all troops by the end of that year.
US Training Elite Antiterror Troops in Four African Nations
Afghan notebook: Going home to Helmand
Al Qaeda ‘not defeated’ in Afghanistan
Testimony to the House Committee of Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade on al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the enduring threat to the US and her allies.
The Interior Ministry claimed that 38 “rebels” were killed during security sweeps. The Taliban killed a policeman in a bombing in Herat and a civilian in a grenade attack in Nangarhar. Afghan Border Police were killed while clashing with Pakistani forces in Kandahar. Residents of Nuristan claimed that Pakistani troops disguised as Taliban are attacking […]
The US has released 10 Pakistani prisoners from the Bagram Detention Facility. Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani will face each other in a runoff vote for president that will take place on June 14. Taliban fighters executed one of their commanders in Faryab province.
Abu Hamza devoted his life to violent jihad, terror trial jury hears
One of the two newly-designated jihadists, Abd Al Rahman Muhammad Zafir Al Dubaysi Al Juhni, has a lengthy al Qaeda pedigree and sat on al Qaeda’s elite Shura council in Pakistan before relocating to Syria. Treasury says Al Juhni is now part of an al Qaeda group in Syria that is planning attacks against Western targets.
US airstrikes killed upwards of 10 jihadists in three airstrikes in the Nayzan district in Nangarhar province.
A suicide bomber killed five civilians while attacking an Afghan Army convoy in Kandahar. The Taliban also killed five soldiers in IED attacks. The military claimed it killed 41 Taliban fighters in Farah and 10 more in Kunduz.
British forces leave their last outpost in Helmand
The Afghan military claimed it killed 63 Taliban fighters, including 20 Pakistanis, and wounded more than 40 during an operation in the Gilan district in Ghazni province. Security forces killed a Taliban commander and six fighters in Zabul. Two suicide bombers were killed in an attack on an ISAF convoy in Kandahar. The Taliban killed […]
Exclusive: CIA Falls Back in Afghanistan
CIA’s plan to retrench in Afghanistan worries US military
Abu Hamza trial: cleric describes London as melting pot for militants from around the world
The Khaibar offensive, like previous ones, will target both Coalition and Afghan personnel, and will include suicide attacks.
Taliban promise renewed offensive as NATO leaves Afghanistan
The Taliban killed 10 policemen in two bombings yesterday in the western province of Herat, and nine members of a family in an IED attack. Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters during operations in Logar, Ghazni, Zabul, Uruzgan, Kunduz, and Herat.
Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif urges time for Taliban talks
Foreigners are said to make up the majority of the 37 al Qaeda fighters killed during Yemeni military operations in the southern province of Shabwa.
The military claimed that more than 20 Taliban fighters were killed during operations in nine provinces, and an additional 10 fighters were killed in a premature detonation in Kandahar. The Taliban killed three people in attacks in Kandahar, Kabul, and Kunduz.
FBI Director Says Syrian Civil War Poses Growing Threat