Afghan intelligence agency says it foiled attempt to kill vice-president
Afghan intelligence agency says it foiled attempt to kill vice-president
Afghan intelligence agency says it foiled attempt to kill vice-president
The Islamic State praised Mullah Abdul Rauf Khadim, a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay and senior Taliban commander, and vowed to avenge his death.
US to keep more troops in Afghanistan than planned: officials
CIA funds found their way into Qaeda coffers
Officials say bombings across Afghanistan kill at least 13
Detainee traded for Bergdahl may have contacted Taliban: officials
The Taliban killed nine policemen in separate attacks in Uruzgan and Helmand. A Taliban suicide bomber killed seven people in Helmand. “Gunmen” killed the executive director for Sayyedabad district in Wardak province.
Iran buries 7 Afghan fighters killed in Syria
Haqqani Network, Taliban Quetta Shura must for talks’ success: Pakistan.
The Islamic State claims it operates in multiple Afghan provinces, and runs a training camp in Farah.
Correspondence between senior al Qaeda leaders indicates that the group maintains a larger foothold in Afghanistan than is widely recognized.
Taliban poised to make gains in Afghanistan.
A Turkish soldier and an Afghan civilian were killed in the blast. The attack on NATO’s envoy to Afghanistan takes place as rumors of peace talks between the Taliban, the Afghan government, and the US persist.
Fear of the Islamic State spawns a renegade Afghan militia
US Army to send headquarters group to Kandahar in first sign of revision to Afghan withdrawal plan
Two men sentenced to 25 years in plot to attack Americans in Afghanistan
The al Qaeda-affiliated Turkistan Islamic Party has released images showing its fighters capturing an American-made Humvee in Afghanistan.
White House denies US scheduled to meet with Taliban on peace deal
Afghan Taliban deny reports of peace talks: spokesman
US agencies adjust to shifting landscape in Afghanistan
Data from seized computer fuels a surge in US raids on al Qaeda
White House weighs adjusting Afghan exit plan to slow withdrawal of troops
China ready to support Kabul-Taliban reconciliation
Mullah Khadim was the Islamic State’s deputy emir for Khorasan province while Yusu Dheeq was the head of Shabaab’s Amniyat. The US continues to rely on airstrikes as the core of its effort to defeat jihadist groups worldwide.
The death of Mullah Khadim, who was released from Guantanamo eight years ago, is “another great example” of jihadists who “return to the battlefield and to the fight at their own peril,” according to Admiral Kirby.
Mullah Abdul Rauf Khadim was a senior Taliban leader before joining the Islamic State and being appointed the deputy emir of Khorasan province.
Afghan troops fight insurgents near Pakistan border, 18 killed
Insider attack targets Afghan police officers
Lieutenant General Vincent R. Stewart, the director of the DIA, testified before the House Armed Services Committee yesterday. Stewart warned that al Qaeda in Syria may gain ground in 2015, the Islamic State remains capable of launching offensive operations despite the coalition’s air campaign, and the Taliban-led insurgency has fought its opposition to a stalemate in Afghanistan.
Maulana Abu Bakr, the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan’s emir for Bajaur, swore allegiance to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the “caliph” of the Islamic State.