Tag Archives: Afghanistan


A suicide bomber killed seven people in Helmand. The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in the east and another in the south, and a Turkish citizen in Herat. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Helmand, Ghazni, Khost, Logar, and Faryab.


The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south and a Turkish citizen in Herat. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, Nangarhar, and Kunduz. US troops accidentally killed a Pajhwok reporter while fighting the Taliban in Uruzgan on July 28.


Afghanistan – Premature Withdrawal Would Make Situation Worse: Peace Council


The Taliban killed six Afghan soldiers in attacks in Kandahar, Badghis, and Logar, and an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and IMU fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Wardak, Khost, and Kunduz.

US Treasury lists 3 senior al Qaeda leaders as terrorists

The al Qaeda leaders were identified as Younis al Mauritani, a senior member of the external operations council who was recently arrested in Pakistan; Hassan Ghul, a key facilitator who was freed by the Pakistanis in 2007; and Abu Yahya al Libi, a top ideologue.

Appeal denied for HIG facilitator detained at Gitmo

Shawali-Khan.jpgThe DC Circuit Court denied a Guantanamo detainee’s appeal yesterday. The detainee, Shawali Khan, was a facilitator for Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin prior to his capture in 2002. According to a leaked file, Khan’s cell in Kandahar received weapons and other support from Iran.


The Taliban killed the Shirzad district chief and three bodyguards in an IED attack in Nangarhar. Norway suspended $55 million in aid due to the corruption scandal at Kabul Bank.


The Taliban killed a police commander and his son in Kapisa, and five civilians in Faryab. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and IMU fighters in Ghazni, Khost, Logar, Kapisa, and Kunduz. Two missing Germans were murdered in Parwan.

United States

‘Top Secret America’: A look at the military’s Joint Special Operations Command