Tag Archives: Afghanistan


President Karzai said ISAF aircraft killed several children in Kapisa. The Taliban killed two policemen in an IED attack in Helmand. Security forces captured two Taliban commanders in Helmand and Nangarhar.


Security forces captured four Taliban leaders and facilitators in Helmand and Khost, and three insurgents, including a Pakistani, in Kandahar. The government said it was willing to accept the transfer of Taliban detainees held at Guantanamo to Qatar.


Pakistan – Resume NATO supply for better deal, says Defence Minister Ahmad Mukhtar

Al Qaeda

Taliban Considers Victory Inevitable Once ISAF Leaves: Leaked Report


The Taliban killed a child in an IED attack in Uruzgan. An ISAF helicopter crashed in eastern Afghanistan; no casualties have been reported.

The Taliban on al Qaeda, 1996-97

In 1996, the Taliban denied that bin Laden was in areas under their control and said he’d never be given safe haven; in 1997, they admitted the “good mujahid” was a guest.