Tag Archives: Afghanistan


The Taliban killed 17 Afghans, including 17 policemen, in suicide assaults in Helmand and Herat. ISAF said it does not see evidence that that Taliban have organized a spring offensive. Security forces killed the head of the Taliban in Faryab and captured two facilitators in Helmand and Kandahar.


ISAF killed the IMU’s top leader in Afghanistan in Faryab and a Taliban leader in Badakhshan. Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters. A British soldier wounded in February died from complications.


The US and Afghanistan signed an agreement with respect to night raids; Afghanistan has been given veto authority. Security forces killed and captured dozens of Taliban commanders and fighters during raids. The Taliban killed three civilians in an IED attack in Paktiya.


No drone strikes in Pakistan after 2014, none at least launched from Afghanistan


The Taliban killed the head of Kunar’s peace council in a suicide attack, four policemen in separate attacks in Helmand, and an ISAF soldier in the east. The foreign minister said US drone attacks would no longer be launched from Afghanistan after 2014.


Gunmen attacked an Afghan Local Police outpost in Farah, killing eight and capturing two more. In Badakhshan, a suicide bombing at a checkpoint killed an ALP commander and one other person; the blast outside a girls’ school also wounded 16 civilians. Intelligence operatives foiled an attempt to assassinate the governor of Parwan.