Tag Archives: Afghanistan

Al Qaeda

US Senate docks Pakistan $1m for each year of Shakil Afridi’s sentence


Security forces killed 17 Taliban fighters and detained 54 more in Helmand, Zabul, Uruzgan, Logar, Ghazni, Khost, Kabul, Nangarhar, and Takhar. Special operations forces captured an IMU facilitator in Badakhshan. A suicide bomber killed two policemen in Helmand.


Security forces killed the Taliban’s deputy shadow governor for Nuristan. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Two foreign aid workers and three Afghans were kidnapped in Badakhshan. More than 120 schoolgirls were poisoned in Takhar.


The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier. The NDS captured 13 “rebels” and disrupted a Taliban plot to attack a USAID office in Jalalabad. US Ambassador Ryan Crocker is resigning earlier that expected.


NATO’s secretary general said its countries are not running for the exit. New Zealand will withdraw its forces from Afghanistan one year early. NATO will close down ISAF’s combat command and transfer operations to the Afghan military. General Allen said that about half of the “green-on-blue” attacks have been carried out by Taliban infiltrators.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed two US soldiers and two civilians in Uruzgan. Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in the east. The Taliban called for NATO to leave Afghanistan.


UK may keep troops in Afghanistan post-2014 to fight terrorism