Tag Archives: Afghanistan

Brother of Taliban’s military commission reported killed

Mullah Abdul Salam Zakir, the brother of the former Guantanamo Bay detainee who quickly assumed command of the Afghan Taliban’s military branch, is said to have been killed during a raid in northern Helmand province. ISAF has not confirmed Salam’s death.


The Taliban killed three civilians in Uruzgan, a policeman in Nangarhar, and an ISAF soldier in the south. Thirty schoolgirls were poisoned in Takhar. The top ISAF general in the north said the Taliban have been defeated there.


The Taliban killed two policemen in Uruzgan and a British soldier in Helmand. Coalition and Afghan forces rescued two foreign and two Afghan aid workers in Badakhshan and killed four Taliban commanders in Badghis. Ninety-seven school girls were poisoned in Takhar.


US and Afghan troops killed 14 Taliban fighters who assaulted FOB Salerno in Khost. A suicide bomber killed five policemen in Kandahar. The Taliban killed two policemen in Nangarhar.


A suicide bomber killed five policemen in Nangarhar. Eight policemen and six Taliban fighters were killed in Badakhshan, eight Taliban fighters were killed in Kandahar and six more were killed in Faryab, two Afghan soldiers were killed in Herat, two policemen were killed in Nangarhar, and two ISAF soldiers were killed in the south. The […]


The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in separate attacks in the south. The Taliban also denied rumors that Jalaluddin Haqqani died of kidney failure.