Tag Archives: Afghanistan


Several Taliban fighters and prisoners escaped from a jail in Sar-i-Pul; five people were killed during the jailbreak. Gunmen killed a police commander in Jawzjan. General Allen apologized for the airstrike that accidentally killed civilians in Logar.


Twenty-six Taliban fighters, four policemen, and a soldier were killed in fighting nationwide. ISAF killed three al Qaeda operatives in an airstrike in Wardak. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. President Karzai said an ISAF airstrike that reportedly killed 18 civilians and eight Taliban fighters was “unacceptable.”


Two Taliban suicide bombers killed 21 people in Kandahar; another suicide bomber killed two Afghans in Faryab. An ISAF airstrike killed 18 civilians and eight Taliban fighters in Logar. The NDS arrested 15 people involved in poisonings at girls’ schools in Takhar. ISAF captured an al Qaeda facilitator in Faryab. Two ISAF soldiers were killed […]


Security forces killed 34 Taliban fighters in Nuristan, Kunar, Ghor, and Ghazni. Police in Takhar arrested seven members of “armed opposition groups” involved in poisoning schoolgirls. Sixty schoolgirls were poisoned in Takhar.


Mullah Abdul Salam Zakir, the brother of the Taliban’s military emir, and 25 of his fighters were killed during an ISAF and Afghan operation in Kajaki. Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Paktika and three more in Logar. The Taliban killed two students in an IED attack in Kabul. NATO came to an agreement […]