Tag Archives: Afghanistan


Afghanistan’s Neighbours Seek to Disrupt Development Projects, APPF Chief Says


The Taliban killed a judge in a bombing inside a mosque in Uruzgan, and killed three policemen in Nangarhar. The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said that the Afghanistan Infrastructure Fund, a vital counterinsurgency project, is likely to fall well short of its goals.


US aid projects in Afghanistan ‘may fall into disuse after handover to Kabul’


Afghan truckers a forgotten front in a war growing deadlier by the day


The Taliban killed a district governor in Wardak and two ISAF soldiers in the west. Security forces killed 17 Taliban fighters and detained 18 more during operations throughout the country.


Taking tea with Afghanistan’s most fearsome warlord, General Abdul Rashid Dostum


Special Operations forces risk being overused, misused, former chief says


Special operations forces killed two insurgents while targeting an al Qaeda-linked leader in Ghazni. Security forces killed 18 Taliban fighters in Paktika. The Taliban condemned the destruction of ISAF bases.


Seven Taliban fighters, a police commander and two policemen, four security guards, and a child were killed during clashes. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south. Security forces detained two Haqqani Network commanders, a Taliban weapons smuggler, and several insurgents.