Tag Archives: Afghanistan


Eight Taliban fighters and six civilians were killed in clashes throughout the country. The Taliban killed two New Zealand soldiers and two Afghan security personnel in Bamyan. Two officers at the Mazar-i-Sharif training center were detained for links to “armed opposition groups.”

IMU announces death of emir, names new leader

usman_adil.jpgThe al Qaeda-linked Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan has announced the death of its emir, Abu Usman Adil, in a drone strike in Pakistan in April, and named Usman Ghazi to replace him. Adil was responsible for ramping up the IMU’s activities in Afghanistan.


Security forces killed “several insurgents” in an airstrike in Paktia. Eight Taliban fighters and two civilians were killed in clashes in Nuristan. Nineteen people were wounded in a bombing inside a mosque in Nangarhar.


Security forces killed five Haqqani Network fighters in Kabul and 24 other Taliban fighters in raids nationwide. A police commander killed 11 civilians in Uruzgan. The Taliban killed five civilians in Logar. Twenty-eight Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Ghor.


The Taliban killed a district police chief in Helmand, a senior police officer in Ghazni, four ISAF soldiers in the south and east, four civilians in Wardak, and a policemen in Uruzgan. Four Taliban fighters were killed in an airstrike in Wardak.


Afghanistan: Local Police Chief Arrested in Badakhshan over Tajikistan Unrest


Afghanistan – More than $1 Million Deposited into Finance Minister’s Accounts


‘There Are No Buyers’– Kabul’s Housing Boom Goes Bust Amid Uncertainty


Nine Taliban fighters were killed in a tribal uprising against the group in the Muqur district in Ghazni. Security forces killed several Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Muqur in Ghazni, and a Haqqani network commander involved in suicide attacks in Paktia.