Tag Archives: Afghanistan


The Taliban beheaded a boy in Kandahar; another girl was found beheaded in Kapisa. The Taliban killed two policemen in an IED attack in Herat and executed five civilians in Ghazni. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters and detained several others in Paktia, Logar, and Ghazni.


Obama administration divided over designating Haqqani network as terrorist group


An Afghan soldier killed three Australian troops in Uruzgan; two more Australian soldiers were killed in a helicopter crash. Four civilians were killed in a mortar attack in Logar. The man thought to be the new chief of the NDS has been accused of torture.


A suicide bomber killed five Afghan soldiers in Kunar. The Taliban killed four civilians in an IED attack in Ghazni. “Gunmen” assassinated the head of Ghazni’s provincial council. President Karzai dismissed the head of the NDS.


Ten Taliban fighters, seven policemen, an NDS officer, and four civilians were killed during clashes and attacks throughout the country. General Abdul Raziq, the Chief of Police for Kandahar province, was among several people wounded in a suicide attack.


Afghanistan – NDS to ‘Monitor’ Local Uprisings, But Denies Hezb-i-Islami Involvement


The Taliban beheaded 17 civilians and killed 10 Afghan soldiers in Helmand. An Afghan soldier killed two ISAF troops in Laghman. Afghan senators claimed the Hizb-i-Islami is behind the anti-Taliban uprisings.

Afghan soldier kills 2 ISAF troops in east

Forty-two ISAF soldiers have been killed in attacks by Afghan security personnel this year. Thirteen percent of ISAF’s casualties in 2012 have occurred in these “green-on-blue” attacks, more than double last year’s total.