Search Results for: Turkistan Islamic Party

Bahadar flexes Taliban muscle in North Waziristan

Just in case you weren’t sure who really runs the show in Pakistan’s tribal agency of North Waziristan, Taliban supremo Hafiz Gul Bahadar sent the locals there a reminder: He is. Bahadar issued pamphlets notifying the locals that the Taliban are the law, and will “punish” kidnappers and car thieves, and even burn down their […]

Quetta Shura ‘inspector’ killed in the Afghan north

Map of Afghanistan’s provinces. Click map to view larger image. Special operations forces took out a senior Taliban “inspector” in an airstrike in northern Afghan province of Badghis. From the ISAF press release: Coalition forces conducted a precision air strike in Bala Murghab district in Badghis province, killing a senior Taliban leader Dec. 17. Mullah […]

Pakistan squashes US bid to expand Predator campaign

The Washington Post reported today that Pakistan is resisting US efforts to expand the US Predator campaign beyond the tribal areas and into Baluchistan. The U.S. appeal has focused on the area surrounding the Pakistani city of Quetta, where the Afghan Taliban leadership is thought to be based. But the request also seeks to expand […]

Pakistan is not conducting ‘surgical’ raids in North Waziristan

Buried at the end of this Wall Street Journal article on Admiral Mike Mullen’s infatuation with Pakistan (a topic worthy of a book in itself), are these two completely false paragraphs that claim Pakistan is conducting covert operations against al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Haqqani Network based in North Waziristan: Pakistan currently conducts “surgical” […]

Senior Taliban leader killed in raid in Afghan northwest

A Taliban leader in the running to replace the shadow governor of Badghis province was killed in a raid over the weekend, while another senior Taliban military commander in the province was targeted in a strike yesterday.

Taliban surge in Afghan north

The Washington Post documents the Taliban’s spread in the Afghan north. The province of Faryab, which was once a region of little concern, has become a new Taliban safe haven. The Taliban are sending warnings of their impending arrival, then rolling into towns and taking them over: In early November, the villagers of Khwaji Kinti […]