Search Results for: TTP


Jihadists affiliated with the Islamic State released a video showing the execution of 30 Ethiopian Christians on a Libyan shoreline. A bomb exploded in front of the Spanish embassy in Tripoli, causing no injuries.


A driver was killed during an ambush on a UN peacekeeping supply convoy near Gao in northern Mali, marking the third attack on the UN mission in a week. Al Mourabitoun claimed responsibility for one of the previous attacks, a suicide bombing of a barracks in Ansongo that killed two civilians and wounded nine Nigerien peacekeepers on Apr. […]

Jihadists claim wanted al Qaeda operative killed in Syria

Online jihadists are claiming that Adel Radi Saker al Wahabi al Harbi, who was designated a terrorist by the US Treasury Department in 2012, has been killed in Syria. Al Harbi previously served as the deputy head of al Qaeda’s Iran-based network.

Hezbollah Brigades deploys fighters to Ramadi

The Foreign Terrorist Organization continues to promote attacks on American forces while fighting under the aegis of the Iraqi government and benefiting from US airstrikes against the Islamic State.

Al Murabitoon claims Ansongo suicide attack

The explosion killed three civilians and left 16 wounded, including nine Nigerien UN peacekeepers. The group said that it was directly targeting Nigerien troops because of Niger’s president Mahamadou Issoufou’s response in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris.

Islamic State publicizes use of child soldiers in Baiji fight

Two children fire a howitzer towards Iraqi Security Force positions in the Baiji oil refinery. Prior to this video, the Islamic State has shown kids conducting and assisting in executions. They are part of the “Cubs of the Caliphate,” which is what the jihadist group calls those children it trains in various training camps in Iraq and Syria.

Islamic State uses drones to coordinate fighting in Baiji

In a new video from Baiji, the Islamic State highlighted the use of a drone to gather intelligence for its “operations control room” directing the fighting at the oil refinery complex. The jihadist group has showcased the use of drones before, most notably at the Brigade 93 base in Raqqah last summer.


Fighting broke out in Tripoli between Libya Dawn and local forces, including one of the Islamist group’s factions, after accusations of support for the Libyan National Army. Pro-government forces conducted air strikes near Tripoli; a “security source” claimed that a missile battery was hit. A new round of peace talks backed by the UN began […]


A former Australian model who joined the Islamic State was reportedly killed fighting in Syria. Some Palestinian rebels are siding with the Assad regime to combat the Islamic State. A group of insurgents in southern Syria announced that they would not cooperate with the Al Nusrah Front. Human Rights Watch claims the Assad regime used chemical […]


Shabaab staged a suicide assault on the Ministry of Higher Education, killing at least 12 people and wounding 15. Seven attackers were killed. Unknown gunmen wounded a journalist in Mogadishu on Apr. 9.


A bomb targeting a bus killed two military academy students and wounded six in Kafr al-Sheikh. Attacks on a checkpoint, a police station and a highway killed at least 12 in the North Sinai on Apr. 12. Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Benghazi suspect designated by UN, State Department

Both the US State Department and the UN have designated Ali Ouni Harzi as a terrorist. The UN designation notes Harzi’s alleged role in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, whereas the State Department does not.

AQAP announces death of sharia official in US drone strike

Al Qaeda announced the death of sharia official Ibrahim Suleiman al Rubaish, who was killed in a drone strikein eastern Yemen. Rubaish is a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay who also served as an operational planner for the jihadist group.


Jihadists tied to the Islamic State claimed responsibility for a bomb attack at the gate of the Moroccan Embassy and an assault on South Korea’s mission in Tripoli, both on Apr. 13. New Libyan peace talks kicked off in neighboring Algeria. Jordan’s King Abdullah II met with Libyan General Khalifa Haftar and pledged his country’s […]


An interior ministry press release stated that one of the leaders of the “Katibat Abu Mariem” terrorist cell was arrested on Apr. 12, joining twenty of the group’s jihadists captured on Feb. 11. US ambassador in Tunis Jacob Walles said the US is planning to double military aid to Tunisia in order to support the country’s fight against terrorism.