Search Results for: TTP

Islamic State releases new video from the Baiji oil refinery

The jihadist group shows more fighting that has taken place at the facility. It is unclear when some of the footage was recorded, as some scenes have been previously featured in photo reports. While the Iraqi Security Forces have claimed to have regained control of the refinery after a recent Islamic State offensive, attacks are still occurring at the complex.

Boko Haram rolls with the punches, remains a threat

As coalition forces have pushed Boko Haram from its former strongholds, the terrorist group has retained the ability to strike back. Its relatively new official ties to the Islamic State may enhance the group’s longevity, creating a more difficult security environment for Nigeria and its partners.


The Tripoli-based Islamist faction rejected the UN’s peace proposal that included recognizing the rival internationally-recognized parliament as “the only legislative authority in the country.” The bodies of five Libyan journalists kidnapped eight months ago have been found near the city of Al Bayda, close to the site of their disappearance.


The Defense Ministry announced that the Army killed six armed jihadists belonging to the Katibat Ennour group in the Hendu area 120 km east of the capital. Separately, “ten smugglers and four drug traffickers were arrested” on Apr. 27.


Islamic State propoaganda infers that Tunisia is a new target for the expansion of the group’s ‘Caliphate.’ Tunisia will soon be taking delivery of 12 US Blackhawk helicopters to assist in counterterrorism operations.


Gunmen killed two soldiers and a child when they opened fire on a national guard camp in the town of Goundam in northern Mali. Tuareg rebels attacked UN peacekeepers outside of Timbuktu and fighting broke out in the town of Menaka, casting doubt on a UN-brokered peace process.


The Nigerian Army claimed that it rescued hundreds of kidnapped women and girls in the Sambisa Forest, a known Boko Haram stronghold. According to a spokesman, none of the girls were those kidnapped from Chibok over a year ago.

Islamic State promotes training camp in eastern Afghanistan

The camp is named after Ustad Yasir, a senior Taliban commander who was killed in an internal purge in 2012. The camp’s name is further evidence that the Islamic State’s Khorasan Province is comprised of marginalized Taliban commanders.

Al Qaeda, jihadist allies declare victory over Syrian regime in key city

The “Battle of Victory” coalition, which includes the Al Nusrah Front and several other jihadist groups, has declared victory in the city of Jisr Al Shughur. The battle for the city began several days ago and was the next step in the jihadists’ plans for conquering all of northwestern Syria. A highly influential al Qaeda-linked ideologue was reportedly wounded in the fighting.

White House says hostages, including American, killed in counterterrorism operation

The White House says that two hostages, including an American, were killed in a counterterrorism “operation” in January. The two perished in an attack that also killed Ahmed Farouq, a prominent al Qaeda leader. Declassified documents recovered in Osama bin Laden’s compound identified a jihadist by that name as an up and coming leader. Adam Gadahn, an American al Qaeda spokesman, was also killed in a separate operation.


The US-led coalition conducted seven airstrikes in Syria between Apr. 21-22, one near Hasakah and six near Kobani. SOHR estimates that the US-led air campaign has killed 2,079 people, including 66 civilians, since its inception in September. A report claims that Al Nusrah’s Khorasan Group has regenerated after taking significant losses early in the Western air […]


Shabaab claimed credit for gunning down a senior military officer in Mogadishu. The  jihadist group has promised to continue recent attacks against UN targets. A Kenyan administrative chief was abducted by Shabaab in north Kenya and is now believed to be in Somalia.


A shell killed one person and wounded four after hitting a house in Sheikh Zuweid city in North Sinai; the source of the artillery is unknown. Egypt and Bahrain will conduct joint military exercises aimed at influencing the political process in Yemen.