Search Results for: TTP


US Secretary of State John Kerry will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi to discuss Syria and other issues. The Assad regime arrested its intelligence chief over suspicions of a coup attempt. “At least 40 rebels and 32 government troops” were killed as regime forces pushed to reinforce 250 government troops besieged near Jisr […]


Four people were wounded when “suspected militants” targeted a judge who had sentenced radicals to death with three bombs placed outside his home in Cairo. Tribes in the Sinai have pledged to work with the government against extremist groups.


Government forces arrested 10 people during a security sweep in Mogadishu. A soldier was injured by a grenade attack in Marka town in southern Somalia. Two soldiers were killed by unidentified gunmen in Kismayo, also in the southern portion of the country.


The Interior Ministry announced that a special counter-terrorism unit arrested six individuals in possession of weapons and ammunition in Monastir. The Tunisian Foreign Minister “stressed … the importance of bolstering cooperation with Turkey, particularly with regards to military and security.” Tunisian forces increased security for an annual Jewish pilgrimage in Djerba in the wake of the terrorist attack in Bardo; […]


The special envoy of the President declared the Malian government “optimistic” about the recent agreement of a peace deal with Tuareg rebels. Despite the agreement, insurgents continued their attack, leading to “30 dead in recent days.”


US Secretary of State John Kerry made an unannounced visit to Mogadishu on May 5. The Somali government has “banned” the use of Shabaab’s name by the country’s media, though no punishment was outlined for outlets that continue to use the term.


Egypt proposed blocking extremist media during an anti-Islamic State conference in Cairo. One policeman was killed and five injured in clashes with Morsi supporters in Nile Delta city.


A new round of UN-backed peace talks has started in Geneva. The French president admitted to supplying Syrian rebels with weapons in 2012. At least two civilians were killed and dozens wounded when mortar rounds were fired into a neighborhood by “foreign-sponsored militants” in Aleppo. The Islamic State assaulted Kurdish forces in Hasakeh, killing at least […]


The Islamic State crucified three brothers in Derna after accusing them of supporting the Libyan government. Three people were killed when a rocket hit a medical center in Benghazi.


The National Defense Ministry announced that three terrorists were killed by troops in Ain Defla and Bouira in the past 24 hours. The Algerian Premier froze a document “liberaliz[ing] alcoholic beverages” after protests from salafists.


Tuareg rebels attacked the Malian army in the town of Dire in northern Mali. The President of the High Islamic Council of Mali called on rebels to lay down their arms and sign a peace agreement. A French ex-pat captured in Mali went on trial in Paris for collaborating with al Qaeda.


Some of the women and girls recently rescued from Boko Haram by the Nigerian military say the jihadist group began brutally murdering captives as rescue forces neared. Local leaders in Plateau state accused the Nigerian military of murdering civilians and torching homes in revenge for the deaths of six soldiers killed by tribesmen. The military arrested […]

An al Qaeda front group in Syria

In a tweet last month, Jund al Aqsa, an al Qaeda-linked jihadist group in Syria, identified Adel Radi Saker al Wahabi al Harbi as its fallen military commander. Al Harbi was wanted by the US government, had previously served as the deputy leader of al Qaeda’s Iran network, and was a member of al Qaeda’s so-called “Khorasan Group.”

Taliban touts success in Kunduz offensive

A Taliban video shows its fighters inside military bases; seized Humvees, weapons and ammunition; and Afghan security personnel who were captured during the jihadist group’s weeklong offensive in Kunduz.