Search Results for: Iran


Thank God our servicemen are free, but make no mistake, this has been a humiliation for Britain


Iran has released the 15 British sailors after President Ahmedinejad ‘pardoned’ them for perportedly entering Iranian waters. The sailors have boarded a flight home to London.


British sailors on their way home


Sudden decision owes more to tension in Tehran than to Britain™s diplomacy


Extraordinary scenes as Iran frees sailors


Iran: Sailing into troubled waters


President Ahmadinejad claimed the 15 British sailors and marines have been pardoned and will be released. The US has “secretly encouraged and advised” the Baluch insurgent group Jundallah in attacking Iran.


An Iranian diplomat detained in Baghdad in February is reported to have returned to Iran. Iraq is pressing for the release of the IRGC agents captured in Irbil. Iran is indicating it will not try the 15 captive British sailors. Iran may have a nuclear weapon by 2009. A former FBI agent has gone missing […]


Iran: Public Mostly Supports Detention Of Britons


About 200 “demonstrators” lit off firecrackers and threw rocks at the British embassy Tehran. Iran is due to release more “confessions” from the captured British sailors in their custody. Forty-eight percent of the British public oppose using force against Iran under any circumstances.


A Deadly US-Iran Firefight


Tehran’s ambassador to Moscow said the British servicemen captured in the Shatt Al Arab waterway may be tried. “”The legal phase concerning these British soldiers has started and if charges against them are proven, they will be punished.” Italy’s central bank has taken effective control over Sepah, the Iranian state bank.


The Iranian IRGC navy capture of 15 British sailors was a premeditated act. Iran has released more letters and video of the sailors’ “confessions.” Oil is at a yearly high of $66 due to the crisis.


Is a US-Iran War Inevitable?


Tehran Outraged By Latest UN Resolution


USS Nimitz aircraft carrier deploying to Persian Gulf


Iran’s Suicide Brigades


The Arab Press Assesses the Likelihood of a US Strike Against Iran


The UK denied Iranian claims that British forces have surrounded the Iranian offices in the city of Basra. Iran has withdrawn the offer to release the female British officer. The UK will not negotiate for the release of their servicemen, and has taken their case to the UN. The EU is considering suspending diplomatic ties […]


Britain has released evidence its sailors and marines were 1.7 nautical miles inside Iraqi waters when the IRGC naval force intercepted and captured them. Iran claimed they were 0.5 nautical miles inside Iranian waters. The price of oil has risen to $65 a barrel over the crisis and rumors of a US strike on Iran […]


Blair warns Iran standoff could escalate


US Long Worried Iran Supplied Weapons in Iraq


Intelligence assets listen in to Teheran


Two US, one French aircraft carrier in Gulf region


Blair: Iran must free naval prisoners in days


Iran wants to swap the 15 British servicemen captured in the Shatt Al Arab for members of Qods force captured in Irbil in January of 2007. “The decision to take in the British military elements was taken at an emergency meeting of the Higher Defense Council in the light of a report received by Brigadier […]


Iranians Had Showdown With US Forces


[UPDATE2] The UNSC unanimously passed resolution 1747 which “bans arms exports from Iran and freezes financial assets abroad of 28 Iranian individuals and entities, including its Bank Sepah, and the commanders and companies associated with the Revolutionary Guards.” A website run by associates of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed the 15 British servicemen will be tried for […]


Russia: Why Is The Kremlin Retreating From Bushehr?


Iranian President Cancels U.N. Trip, Blaming US