Search Results for: TTP

Jihadists see divine approval in suicide bombing

Supporters of the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, think that the hand of Allah can be seen in footage of a recent suicide bombing. Jihadists have marketed supposedly divine miracles for decades. Abdullah Azzam, Osama bin Laden’s mentor, was an early innovator in this genre of propaganda.

Al Nusrah Front suicide bomber targets Assad regime in Aleppo

The Al Nusrah Front claims to control “several buildings” in a key neighborhood in Aleppo after a “martyrdom operation” cleared the path for its fighters. Separately, the US-led coalition struck a group of seasoned al Qaeda operatives near Aleppo.

Islamic State executes Syrian regime soldiers at Palmyra ruins

The Islamic State has released a new video showing the execution of 25 Syrian soldiers in the ancient city of Palmyra. The executioners appear to be teenagers, or even younger. Days earlier, the jihadist group released images of statues from the city being destroyed.

Ansar al Sharia Libya fights on under new leader

Ansar al Sharia, which is now led by a jihadist known as Abu Khalid al Madani, continues to battle General Khalifa Haftar’s forces. Contrary to erroneous accounts, the group has not sworn allegiance to the Islamic State.

Taliban refutes government claims of recapturing Chardara district

The jihadist group claims that a video from Chardara in Kunduz province will “expose all the lies of the Kabul regime who declared that the district was retaken from the Mujahideen.” The status of the district is uncertain, but was overrun by the Taliban one week ago.

Al Nusrah Front celebrates 9/11 attacks in new video

The Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, has released a mini-documentary on the jihadists’ quest to resurrect the caliphate. Contrary to highly dubious claims that the group was going to break from al Qaeda, Al Nusrah celebrates al Qaeda’s history, including the 9/11 attacks.

Jihadists again attack in southern Mali

The attack is the second in June to take place near the border with Ivory Coast and the second in two days in the lower half of Mali. These attacks come after the government and the main Tuareg rebels in the north have agreed to a peace deal.

Shabaab assaults African Union base

More than 50 troops from Burundi are reported to have been killed. The attack comes just one week after Shabaab killed at least 60 Ethiopian troops in another attack in southern Somalia.

Treasury designates Taliban liaison to al Qaeda

Prior to his capture in July 2014, Maulawi Abdul Rashid Baluch was a senior Taliban member whose activities ranged from waging guerrilla warfare against NATO and Afghan forces to narcotics trafficking. Rashid also served as a liaison to al Qaeda, arranging “planning meetings” between senior Taliban leaders and al Qaeda members in Karachi, Pakistan.

Islamic State suffers losses in provincial home of the ‘caliphate’

Kurdish forces and fighters from the Free Syrian Army have seized a military base and a town just 30 miles north of the city of Raqqa, which is the seat of the Islamic State’s so-called “caliphate.” The losses are problematic for the Islamic State, which claims that its territorial rule is “remaining and expanding.”

Suicide bombers strike Maiduguri

Continuing its offensive against Maiduguri, Boko Haram is suspected of launching two bomb attacks in the Borno state capital on Monday. Over 30 people were killed as two female suicide bombers targeted a popular market.