Search Results for: Puntland


A police officer was killed in Puntland and two Kenyans were kidnapped in Mogadishu. Shabaab accused Kenyan lawmakers of backing the recruitment of youths to fight against insurgents in Somalia. Sheikh Ahmed Madobe, a Hizbul Islam warlord, and Barre Hirale, a Shabaab ally in Kismayo, signed a secret agreement to help the government mount an […]


Two explosions targeted two police stations in Bosaso, in the autonomous northern region of Puntland. Hizbul Islam insurgents have imposed a curfew on Beledweyne. Somali pirates seized a Greek-owned vessel and threatened to hand three Spanish captives to the families of two pirates being held in Spain.


A Shabaab court in Jowhar sentenced several teenagers to be whipped for playing soccer. Shabaab said any attempts at reconciliation must be made through sharia law. A Puntland court sentenced 12 men to terms of up to eight years for committing acts of piracy.


Seven Pakistani clerics were killed in Puntland; Puntland officials are blaming each other for the deaths. Two civilians were killed during shelling in Mogadishu. Shabaab said it captured weapons en route to rival clans in central Somalia.


Twenty-five people were killed after Shabaab and Hizbul Islam forces attacked African Union peacekeepers in Mogadishu; a Red Cross worker was among those killed. Fifteen civilians were wounded in a hand grenade attack in Bosasso in Puntland.


Seventeen Shabaab fighters, including four foreigners, were killed in a premature detonation at a car bomb workshop in Mogadishu. Three Shabaab fighters were killed during an ambush by the Islamic Courts in the village of Ayn in Hiran province. Puntland police detained 15 pirates and seized five boats.


Three masked gunmen killed Sheikh Muktar, a Shabaab military commander, as he was sitting outside his shop in Mogadishu’s Bakara Market. The Shabaab commander was allied with Muktar Robow. Three Somalis, including a senior intelligence official, were killed in an hand grenade attack in Galka™yo in the semi- autonomous region of Puntland. The ICU claimed […]


An Islamist member of parliament was assassinated in Mogadishu. Shabaab ordered women to wear the veil and businesses to close during prayer time in Baidoa. Nine people were wounded during clashes between government security forces in Mogadishu. A Puntland court sentenced 37 pirates to jail terms of three years each.


Two Somalis were killed during rioting that broke out in Bossaso after a cleric named Sheikh Osman was detained by security forces. Uganda has deployed an additional 300 troops to Somalia. An Islamist leader claimed this deployment and others totaling up to 1,820 new soldiers were made “secretly.”

Somalia’s rising tide of extremism

Four high-level US officials discussed the terrorist threat emanating from Somalia, as well as the Somali terrorist recruiting network on American soil, this week. The officials confirmed that al Qaeda and its allies are growing stronger by the day in East Africa.


Sheik Omar Iman Abu Bakar, the leader of Hizbul Islam, said the new government is powerless just as the old government was. Islamist leader Sheik Yusuf Inda™adde said he would join the government if it implements full sharia. Shabaab has dispatched hundreds of troops to retake the central towns of Guriel and Dhusamareb. A bombing […]


Th semi-autonomous region of Puntland has welcomed the appointment of the new Prime Minister. Ethiopian said it would support the new government. Ethiopian troops have withdrawn from the strategic Kala-Beyr crossroads in the central Hiran region


The UN announced that it would support a Somali peacekeeping mission. Shabaab fighters killed three Somalis during attacks on AMISOM bases in Mogadishu. The Puntland president appointed a new cabinet, along with a seven-member military commission.


Abdirahman Farole was elected as Puntland president. A United States Naval Commander will lead an international force of 20 members to combat the Somali pirate attacks.

The State of Jihad: 2008

LWJ-Globe.jpgThe Long War Journal’s roundup of the major developments in the primary and secondary theaters during the past year.


Twenty-two people were killed during clashes between Shabaab and Islamist groups in central Somalia. Hawiye clan elders called for an end of fighting between Shabaab and local Islamist groups. Twenty-seven members of parliament fled Baidoa after a colleague was assassinated.


Five suicide bombers struck four compounds in the northern Somali, killing 28 and wounding scores. Three suicide car bombers struck the presidential palace, the UN Development Program compound, and the Ethiopian Consulate in the city of Hargeisa in Somaliland. Two bombers targeted an intelligence facility in the city of Bosasso in Puntland. Four Ethiopian soldiers […]

Five suicide bombers strike in northern Somalia

The coordinated attacks hit the presidential palace, a UN compound, and the Ethiopian Consulate in Somaliland, and an intelligence headquarters in Puntland. The attacks were carried out by Shabaab, an al Qaeda-linked terror group.


Puntland soldiers and pirates clashed over a Somali ship. Shabaab hit an Ethiopian convoy outside of Mogadishu with an IED attack. The Hawiye clan spokesman held negotiations with Shabaab over death threats to clan leaders. More than 400 Burundian soldiers arrived in Mogadishu via air.


The Panama-flagged cargo ship MV Amiya Scan has been seized by Somalian pirates and is now docked at a port in Bargal. This is the third high-profile vessel hijacking off the coast of Somali since last month. The president of Somalia’s semiautonomous northern region of Puntland has sacked the region’s police chief, Colonel Abdiaziz Ga’amey.


Sheik Sharif Ahmed, the leader of the Islamic Courts Union, said the killing of Shabaab leader Aden Hashi Ayro would derail negotiations. Three Ethiopian soldiers were killed in a bombing in Mogadishu. Ethiopian troops have established bases near Jowhar, where the Islamic Courts have been active. A Somali elder in Puntland was arrested after criticizing […]


More than 100 Somalis are reported to have been killed during fighting over the past several days. Puntland forces boarded a hijacked ship from the United Arab Emirates and captured seven pirates. The Puntland government said it would execute the pirates. US and France have drafted a resolution in the UN to combat piracy off […]


Islamic insurgents killed six Somali soldiers and a child after the group attacked and overran two military bases north of Mogadishu but withdrew three hours later. An agent working for the Puntland Intelligence Service in Somalia’s northeastern region was shot and killed by unidentified gunmen, the third such killing in the area within two days. […]