Search Results for: Pakistan

Pakistan’s ban of LWJ enters 3rd year

The Pakistani government has blocked The Long War Journal website from being accessed inside Pakistan. The censorship began sometime in July 2012, and continues to this day.


The government will put the Army in charge of security for the capital for three months. The Taliban killed two soldiers in North Waziristan and Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Aurakazi.


Wary Pakistan puts military in charge of capital’s security


The military claimed it killed 20 “militants,” including foreign fighters, during airstrikes in Shawal in North Waziristan. A senior Pakistani military claimed that the government is targeting all Taliban groups, “irrespective of their nationality, ethnicity or group affiliation”.


Pakistani elders forbid fleeing women from collecting food aid


The Pakistani military claimed it killed 28 foreign and local “militants” in airstrikes in the Shawal Valley in North Waziristan. Locals said that “nine women, six children and two civilian men” were killed in the airstrikes. The US is thought to have killed six al Qaeda operatives in the July 10 drone strike in the […]


Pakistani Singer Joins Growing List Of Slain Female Artists


Crime spree helps Pakistani Taliban squirrel away cash before raids begin


The Pakistani military claimed it killed “scores” of “terrorists” during airstrikes in Miramshah in North Waziristan. “Most of the terrorists killed in strikes are Uzbeks,” the ISPR claimed. One soldier was killed in an IED attack in the tribal agency.


Pakistan army North Waziristan offensive: Thousands flee


The Pakistani military has claimed it killed more than 170 “terrorists” in a series of “precise strikes” in North Waziristan. The military claims no civilians were killed, and said most of those killed were “Uzbeks” or members of the Turkistan Islamic Party.


The US ended its self-imposed, six-month-long moratorium on drone strikes in Pakistan when it launched two attacks on June 11-12 in North Waziristan. A senior Haqqani Network commander and two top Afghan Taliban leaders are reported to have been killed in the strikes.


Pakistan Suspends License of Leading News Channel


Pakistan’s Geo News becomes latest target in blasphemy accusation trend