Search Results for: Puntland


Puntland’s president declared war on Shabaab and pirates. Shabaab is attempting to raise millions of dollars at markets in southern Somalia. Botswana will not provide troops to the AMISOM force in Mogadishu.


Twenty-one people were killed in clashes in Mogadishu between Shabaab and government and African Union forces. Both Shabaab’s spokesman and Sheikh Atom denied that fighting in Puntland is related to the al Qaeda-linked group.


Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom, a top Shabaab leader in Puntland, vowed to wage jihad in the semi-autonomous region. “We shall never stop fighting Puntland,’ Atom said in a press conference in Galkayo. “We are part and parcel of al Shabaab, we are brothers united by Islamic sharia.”


Ten Shabaab fighters and five Puntland security personnel were killed in clashes in the Sanaag mountains. Veterans of al Qaeda’s training camps in Afghanistan now run Shabaab, according to intelligence reports. AFRICOM will increase support to African Union forces in Mogadishu.


A Shabaab commander known as Mohamed Said Atom has established a Tora Bora-like complex of bases in the Sanaag mountains between Puntland and Somaliland. The President of Puntland said the Galgala Hills region near Bosaso is “under attack” by “foreign terrorists.” The government has launched an operation in the region.


Eight people were killed in Mogadishu during clashes between Hizbul Islam and government forces. Three people were killed in an IED attack in Bosaso in Puntland. Shabaab leader Sheikh Muktar Abdirahman Abu Zubeyr released an audiotape.


In Mogadishu, 10 people were killed in fighting between soldiers and policemen over food distribution. Shabaab has taken control of Beledweyne. Islamists assassinated a judge in Puntland and attacked the home of a leader of Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a.


Somali and African Union forces attacked Shabaab and Hizbul Islam strongholds in the capital of Mogadishu; 16 people were killed and 30 more were wounded in the fighting. Puntland forces freed a cargo ship and its crew hijacked by pirates.


Thirteen people were killed in clashes between Ethiopian forces and civilians in the town of Buhodle. African Union forces joined the fighting in Mogadishu as Shabaab fighters advance on the Presidential Palace. Hizbul Islam announced it would force an Islamic government and enforce sharia.


Puntland forces detained 12 pirates, including a wanted leader on a US watchlist. Two civilians were killed in shelling in Mogadishu. Shabaab claimed it carried out a bombing that targeted African Union forces in the capital.


Puntland forces killed two Shabaab fighters during an attempt to capture a top regional commander. Hundreds of new Shabaab fighters have been seen moving to Mogadishu. Islamist fighters fired mortars at the parliament building; African Union forces returned fire.


Russia claimed that it freed 10 pirates but they failed to return to shore. A deputy police chief and a soldier were killed in a bombing in Mogadishu. Puntland security forces detained two Shabaab fighters.


Ethiopian forces ejected Shabaab from the district of Elberde after the terror group took control just two days ago; a curfew has been imposed. Puntland security forces detained five suspects involved in an attempt to assassinate President Sharif. Pirates threatened to blow up a South Korean oil tanker. Five pirates were captured after attacking a […]


The United States denied helping Somalia’s government launch an offensive against Shabaab, saying it had no plans to “Americanize” the conflict. Fighting between two clans over water killed 11 people in Galgaduud region. The French navy handed over 22 suspected pirates to semi-autonomous Puntland’s authorities to be arraigned in local courts.


Two people were killed during an exchange of mortar fire in northern Mogadishu. The commander of police in the Mudug region of Puntland escaped an assassination attempt. Kenya has completed the training of 2,500 Somali troops.


A court in Garowe, the capital of Puntland, has sentenced to death a man who confessed to be a Shabaab operative planning to carry out attacks in Puntland and the breakaway republic of Somaliland. He also confessed that he was a photographer and used his profession to smuggle explosives in the regions. Shabaab recruited about […]


Shabaab and Hizbul Islam have captured the strategic town of Beledweyne after battling with the pro-government militia Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama™a, and have looted the offices of the UN health agency WHO and Save the Children. A bomb blast targeted the center of Bosasso in Puntland while the police were conducting search operations in the […]

Shabaab looks to the Somali North

The al Qaeda-linked group has initiated a terror campaign in Puntland and has threatened to take over the semi-autonomous region and the breakaway republic of Somaliland.


At least six people were killed in fighting between pirates over a ransom in the coastal town of Harardere. A Puntland lawmaker was killed by a gunman in Bosaso. Hizbul Islam plans to start operating a port and an airport in the out of the capital Mogadishu.


At least 11 people were killed by artillery fire in Mogadishu. A gunman killed a member of the local parliament in Puntland. Puntland security forces foiled a bombing in Bosaso port. A ship unloaded tanks for the Somali government in the port of Mogadishu. “Government troops are ready to launch a major operation against insurgents […]


Clashes between Islamists and government and African Union forces killed 15 people in Mogadishu. Clashes between Puntland security forces and tribal militias resulted in 11 people killed. Hizbul Islam denounced the UNSC sanctions against Eritrea.


A roadside bomb killed three Puntland soldiers and injured nine others near Bosaso. At least 20 people were killed in the last 24 hours in heavy fighting between insurgents and government forces in Mogadishu. A firefight ensued between pirates in Hobyo town over ransom money obtained after the release of a Greek vessel.


Two civilians were killed during clashes between government forces and Shabaab and Hizbul Islam in Mogadishu. A gunman wounded three people during an attack on the leadership of the pro-government Ahlu Sunna Waljama in Galkayo. Somali lawmakers want the parliament moved from Mogadishu to Puntland.

Suicide bomber kills 3 Somali ministers

The ministers of health, education, and higher education, along with two reporters from Shabelle and Al Arabia were among 19 killed in a suicide attack at a graduation ceremony for medical students at a hotel in Mogadishu.


Shabaab fighters reportedly disarmed Hizbul Islam top leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, according to state radio. Security forces in Bosaso captured a wanted pirate called Omar Hassan Osman, also known as Baqalyo, who hijacked and received $4 million in ransom from an Italian ship.


Pirates attacked a Spanish fishing vessel but private security guards aboard the ship drove them off with gunfire. Puntland Marines have joined the pirates, said Puntland former president Ade Muse Hershe. The top leader of Shabaab, Sheikh Mukhtar Abdirahman Abu Zubeyr, vowed more fighting against Somali government and AMISOM troops. Two clerics were killed by […]


At least 11 people were killed in clashes between government forces and Hizbul Islam around the presidential palace in Mogadishu. Gunmen killed a police official in Puntland. A US private military company will work in Mogadishu, contracted by Somalia™s government. Two Ghadir class submarines will join the Iranian navy off the coast of Somalia.


Masked gunmen killed chief judge Sheikh Mohamed Abdi Aware, who recently sent four members of Shabaab to jail in Bosaso, and killed a lawmaker in Garowe in Puntland. Two boarding units from a Norwegian frigate came under fire from pirates while on an inspection mission close to the coast. EU foreign ministers will endorse a […]