Search Results for: Islamic Jihad Union


A suicide bomber killed seven people, including the district governor of Chardara, in Kunduz. Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters in Kunar and a weapons facilitator in Wardak, and detained several Haqqani Network, Islamic Jihad Union, and Taliban fighters in Balkh, Ghazni, Khost, Nangarhar, and Kabul.

Jordanian al Qaeda operative killed in Afghanistan

Abu Kandahar al Zarqawi was an administrator at the jihadist Al Hesbah forum and an associate of Abu Dujanah al Khurasani, the suicide bomber who carried out the suicide attack against the CIA at Combat Outpost Chapman in Khost province.

Taliban surge in Afghan north

The Washington Post documents the Taliban’s spread in the Afghan north. The province of Faryab, which was once a region of little concern, has become a new Taliban safe haven. The Taliban are sending warnings of their impending arrival, then rolling into towns and taking them over: In early November, the villagers of Khwaji Kinti […]


Pakistan extradited Salih S. to Germany to stand trial for his involvement in a plot to attack US bases in Germany. Salih, a Turkish citizen, is thought to be a member of the Islamic Jihad Union and is linked to the Sauerland terror cell in Germany.


German authorities arrested a Syrian national in the town of Montabaur for attempting to lure new recruits for Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Al Qaeda of Iraq, and the Islamic Jihad Union through blogs and internet forums. He faces over 100 counts of distributing criminal audio, video, and text propaganda through German […]


The US killed an al Qaeda military commander and 12 Islamic Jihad Union fighters in an airstrike in North Waziristan. Gunmen killed a policeman and freed four captive Jundallah fighters during an assault on a courthouse in Karachi. The military killed four Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The Taliban killed one civilian in a bombing in […]

Mystery of the ‘White Taliban’ in Nuristan solved?

The May 17 post here at Threat Matrix on the so-called “white Taliban” who was seen in a Taliban video taken in Nuristan generated some interesting emails from a couple of knowledgeable observers. The images of the Western-looking man with short hair and Western-looking clothes have caused many to speculate that there are Westerners operating […]

Another ‘al Qaeda guy’ dies in Afghanistan

On April 27, blogger Michael Yon asked military commanders if they could recall if any “al Qaeda guys” were killed or captured in Afghanistan. Our list, here, names several, as well as some Afghan commanders killed in US airstrikes in Pakistan. And here is another, Abu Dijana San’aani, a Yemeni who served as a bomb […]

Wanted ‘German Taliban’ member killed in Pakistan

Video of the ‘German Taliban’ training in Waziristan. The video was released in later 2009. A convicted German terrorist wanted for his involvement in the failed plot to attack US military facilities in Germany in 2008 was killed in Pakistan, German officials told The Associated Press. Germany’s main domestic intelligence agency said that a statement […]

Are there ‘al Qaeda guys’ in Afghanistan?

Video of a recent al Qaeda operation in Afghanistan On Facebook, blogger Michael Yon suggests that US forces haven’t killed or captured al Qaeda fighters and leaders recently: I’ve asked a lot of commanders here to tell me about the last time they caught or killed an al Qaeda guy here. No commanders can remember […]