Search Results for: TTP

Islamic State launches mobile app for children

The mobile app is designed to teach the Arabic alphabet to children of Islamic State supporters around the world. The vocabulary featured within the application is littered with jihadist and militaristic terminology.

US launched 4 airstrikes against AQAP at end of April

CENTCOM said that AQAP “remains a significant threat to the region, the United States and beyond” and “has a destabilizing effect on Yemen.” The airstrikes appear to have targeted AQAP as the UAE launched its offensive to dislodge AQAP from the city of Mukallah.

US kills Islamic State’s military emir for Anbar province

Abu Wahib has been waging jihad in Iraq for more than a decade. He fought for al Qaeda in Iraq, was imprisoned and escaped during an al Qaeda assault on a prison in 2014, and is responsible for the Islamic State’s successes in Anbar province.

Turkistan Islamic Party advertises role in jihadist-led offensive in Aleppo province

The Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) has released a series of photos documenting its “spoils” from a new round of fighting in Syria’s Aleppo province. Jaysh al Fath, an alliance of several groups, launched the offensive against Bashar al Assad’s regime and its allies earlier this week. The TIP is fighting alongside Al Nusrah Front, which is al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, and Jund al Aqsa, an al Qaeda front group.

Report: Head of the Islamic State’s Sahara branch threatens Morocco

Al Jazeera has reportedly obtained an audio message from Adnan Abu Walid al Sahrawi in which he threatens to attack Morocco. Little has been heard from Sahrawi since May 2015, when he broke from Al Murabitoon and declared his fealty to the Islamic State. If the message is authentic, then it could indicate that he and his men plan on initiating new operations.

Jaysh al Fath coalition launches new offensive in Aleppo province

The Jaysh al Fath coalition, which overran the Idilb province in northwestern Syria last year, has launched a new offensive south of the city of Aleppo. The jihadists have released dramatic drone footage from the fighting, which centered on the town of Khan Tuman. Several of Jaysh al Fath’s member organizations have produced propaganda from the battle.

Al Qaeda defector discusses group’s secrets in Islamic State magazine

Abu Ubaydah Al Lubnani was once one of al Qaeda’s top security officials. After being dismissed from his job, he joined the Islamic State. In an interview with Al Naba magazine earlier this year, Lubnani discussed al Qaeda’s relationship with Iran and the group’s early strategy for the war in Syria. An al Qaeda loyalist has responded to Lubnani’s testimony.

AQAP says it withdrew from Mukalla to protect residents

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has published a statement explaining the reasons for its withdrawal from Mukalla, a port city in Yemen that the jihadists ruled for one year. AQAP’s statement illustrates the organization’s strategy for building and preserving popular support in the region.

Arab coalition enters AQAP stronghold in port city of Mukalla, Yemen

A Saudi-led Arab coalition has entered the Yemeni port city of Mukalla, which had been a stronghold for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) since April 2015. AQAP reportedly withdrew most of its forces from the city prior to the alliance’s advance. Mukalla is a key part of AQAP’s plan to build an Islamic emirate in Yemen.

Taliban touts Bergdahl swap as key ‘achievement’

In a video released earlier this month, the Taliban trumpeted the exchange of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five top Taliban commanders who were held at Guantanamo. The Taliban says this “achievement” was the result of its extensive operations in Afghanistan’s Paktika province.