Search Results for: Puntland


Thirty people were killed in shelling in Mogadishu. A minister in Puntland said a government program to train soldiers is training future Shabaab members. Shabaab arrested the former spokesman for the disbanded Hizbul Islam after he refused to accept a security post.


Two people were killed in shelling in Mogadishu. The government of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland has canceled cooperation with the weak Transitional Federal Government. The minister of agriculture said Shabaab is impeding aid to drought-stricken Somalis.


Prime Minister Mohamed said 8,000 troops will soon launch an offensive against Shabaab. Shabaab and businessmen in Bu’ale are at odds over Shabaab’s policies. A Puntland court sentenced one policeman to death and two others to life in prison.


Four people were killed during fighting between government forces in a village near Mogadishu. A newspaper claimed that the Puntland government is negotiating with Shabaab commander Mohamed Said Atom.


Somali soldiers mutinied after failing to receive pay. Shabaab held a military parade in Lafole, a former Hizbul Islam stronghold. The governor of Mudug in Puntland survived an IED attack.


Somaliland frees Russians over weapons for Puntland


Puntland security forces killed two Shabaab “assassins” who shot and wounded a government official in Bosaso. Shabaab trained 300 fighters in Baidoa, the former seat of government of the Transitional Federal Government.


Twenty-two people were killed in mortar exchanges and fighting between Shabaab and African Union forces in Mogadishu. A 1,050-man anti-piracy militia is being trained in Puntland.


Fifteen more people were killed during clashes between Shabaab fighters and Somali and African Union forces in Mogadishu. Puntland blamed Shabaab for the assassination of a court official in Bosaso. A US court sentenced a Somali pirate to 30 years in prison.


Shabaab and the pro-government Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama clashed in the Galgudud region; both sides claimed victory. Ethiopia released five Somali elders who were detained in Puntland several weeks ago.


Three people were killed in mortar exchanges between Shabaab and African Union forces in northern Mogadishu. The president of Puntland criticized the government for supporting the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn militia, which has attacked the government of neighboring Somaliland.


A Puntland minister said 70 soldiers from neighboring Somaliland fought with Shabaab in the Galgala region. Somaliland’s information minister denied the charge and called Shabaab commander Atom a “terrorist.” Two civilians were killed in a hand grenade blast in Mogadishu.


The president of Puntland, a semi-autonomous region, claimed that its security forces killed 96 Shabaab fighters under the command of Mohamed Said Atom in the Galgala region. The president said Shabaab fighters are now based in the Sanaag region in Somaliland.


Hizbul Islam leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys vowed to continue to wage jihad against Somali and African Union forces. A Shabaab leader urged women to send their sons to wage jihad in Mogadishu. The president of Puntland declared victory over Shabaab forces under the command of Mohamed Said Atom.


Twenty people were killed in clashes between Shabaab fighters and government forces in the Boondere district north of Mogadishu. Shabaab commander Mohammed Said Atom is believed to be hiding in Somaliland after Puntland forces attacked his bases in the Galgala mountains.


Twenty people were killed during a failed Shabaab offensive that sought to retake control of Balad-hawa district on the Kenyan border. Puntland claimed it took control of Shabaab’s last safe haven in the Galgala mountains. The African Union is seeking an air and naval blockade of Somalia.


Twelve people were killed during clashes in Beledweyne between pro-government forces and Shabaab fighters. “Gunmen” ambushed and killed 20 Shabaab fighters in Hiran province. Puntland security forces captured four Shabaab fighters in the Galgala mountains.


Twelve people were killed in heavy fighting between Shabaab fighters and Somali and African Union forces in Mogadishu. Pirates released Puntland’s Minister of Ports & Marine Transport after holding him captive for several hours; two of his bodyguards were killed during the kidnapping.


The government of the Puntland region said a Voice of America report serves to “appease Al Shabaab.” Shabaab’s spokesman said the UN meeting on Somalia was a failure. Kenya sentenced 11 Somali pirates each to five years in jail.


Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca said some top Somali officials are members of Shabaab. The US military denied its helicopters carried out a strike on a Shabaab safehouse in the town of Merca yesterday. The US has announced it would improve ties with the semi-autonomous regions of Puntland and Somaliland.

United States

US to seek stronger ties with Somaliland and Puntland


Prime Minister Sharmake resigned after a long-running feud with President Sharif. Ten people were killed in fighting in Mogadishu. Puntland police arrested the imam of the Salahudiin Mosque and another person in Galkayo for propagating “terrorist ideology.”


Ten people were killed in clashes between Puntland security forces and Shabaab forces under the command of Mohammed Said Atom in the Galgala region. Shabaab and Hizbul Islam’s top leaders called for more attacks against African Union forces. Hizbul Islam forces destroyed homes and graves in the town of Lafole.


“Gunmen” killed a senior security official in Somaliland. A journalist was stabbed to death in Puntland. Uganda deployed an additional 750 troops to Mogadishu.


Ten Shabaab fighters, including three Pakistanis, two Indians, an Afghan, and an Algerian, were killed in an explosion at a safe house in Mogadishu. Three people were killed in fighting in Puntland between Shabaab and security forces. Shabaab burned 500 bags of grain stored at a World Food Program warehouse.


Eighteen people were killed in renewed fighting between Shabaab and Puntland forces in Bari. Five people were killed at a refugee camp in Mogadishu. Ethiopia said it may send forces to Mogadishu if African Union forces needed assistance.


Shabaab banned three Christian aid agencies from operating in Somalia for “acting as missionaries under the guise of humanitarian work.” A member of parliament denounced the attack on Shabaab fighters in Puntland. The UN plans to return to Somalia in two months, after leaving the country 17 years ago.


Fighting between Puntland security forces and Shabaab forces led by Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom in Galgala resulted in 11 Shabaab and three soldiers killed. Puntland claimed to have defeated Shabaab in the mountainous region. The Somali government sent weapons to the semi-autonomous government of Puntland.