Search Results for: Islamic Jihad Union

Global al Qaeda: Affiliates, objectives, and future challenges

Testimony to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, on al Qaeda, the nature of the group’s central command and its relationship with its affiliates, and the future challenges the West faces in battling the terror organization.


A French-Spanish counterterrorism operation in France resulted in the arrest of three Chechens linked to Dagestani terrorist Eldar Magomedov, who has ties to both al Qaeda and the Islamic Jihad Union. Analysts have pointed out the rise of North Caucasus Islamist militant networks and a growing nexus between North Caucasus criminal groups and European jihadists.

Pakistani Taliban commander killed in bombing in Wana

Maulvi Abbas Wazir, a commander in the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan in the Wana area, was killed in a blast at his office yesterday. The attack is thought to be linked to an assassination attempt against Mullah Nazir late last month.

Al Qaeda ‘facilitator’ killed in Kunar airstrike

Asadullah is the second Afghan member of al Qaeda killed in the past week. He organized and directed attacks, and was behind the Aug. 8 suicide attack in Asadabad that killed three US soldiers and a USAID employee.

Al Qaeda operative killed in Kunar airstrike

Abu Saif, a Pakistani national, served as a cross-border facilitator and a conduit between senior al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and was involved in media operations. Two other Pakistanis and a Saudi were also killed.


Filiz Gelowicz, the wife of convicted German terrorist Fritz Gelowicz, was released early from prison. In March 2011, she had been given a two and a half year sentence for supporting the German Taliban Mujahideen and the Islamic Jihad Union.


A court sentenced Hussain S., a Syrian-born German resident, to five years in prison for publishing jihadist propaganda online. A key German-language propagandist for Islamic extremist groups, he promoted the efforts of al Qaeda, the Islamic Jihad Union, and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, among others.


NATO is in disarray after the US announced it would end its combat mission in Afghanistan in 2013, one year early. Security forces captured a dual-hatted Taliban and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan commander in Helmand. The Islamic Jihad Union said it works closely with local Taliban forces.

ISAF, Afghan forces capture al Qaeda ‘facilitator’ in east

The al Qaeda facilitator “coordinated insurgent activity throughout the area and provided reports to senior al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan,” ISAF stated. He is the first al Qaeda operative reported as killed or captured in Afghanistan in two months.


Security forces arrested 10 Islamic Jihad Union operatives who were plotting to carry out attacks during the upcoming presidential election. Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Uighurs are among those detained.