Search Results for: suicide assault

Pakistan: The Mohmand “peace” accord

The Pakistani government inks another “peace accord” in the Mohmand tribal agency. The security situation in Momand has been steadily deteriorating. Recently the Taliban have taken over a mosque, declined to meet with the tribes and have been intimidating tribesmen in the region.

US, Iraqi forces kill 30 Iranian-backed Special Groups operatives

Qods Force logo, click to view. Raid in Sadr City the latest in a series of strikes against the Qods Force front Iraqi and US security forces maintain the pressure on the Shia terror groups while continuing the hunt for al Qaeda in Iraq. A joint Iraqi and US force conducted a raid inside Sadr […]

Pakistan: A new Red Mosque is established in the tribal agencies

Red agencies/ districts controlled by the Taliban; purple is defacto control; yellow is under threat. Islamists take over a mosque in Mohmand as attacks against government troops continue in North Waziristan Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province remains a cauldron of violence in the wake of the military assault on the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, in […]

Pakistan: Negotiating with the Taliban, again

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts openly controlled by the Taliban; purple is defacto control; yellow is under threat. Click map to view. Representatives sent to negotiate with the Taliban in North Waziristan as suicide attacks are ongoing As the attacks against the Pakistani military are ongoing in North Waziristan, the government continues to press for […]

Ambush in North Waziristan kills 17 soldiers

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts openly controlled by the Taliban; purple is defacto control; yellow is under threat. Click map to view. 13 soldiers wounded, 5 Taliban killed as Pakistan’s insurgency intensifies; Pakistan still attempts to appease the Taliban Taliban fighters conducted a successful ambush against a Pakistani military convoy in the Madakhel region of […]

Pakistan attempts to revive the Waziristan Accord

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts openly controlled by the Taliban; purple is defacto control; yellow is under threat. Click map to view. Negotiations are underway with the Taliban as the government said it will increase forces in the Northwest Frontier Province The situation in Pakistan’s volatile Northwest Frontier Province is coming to a head. After […]


The Taliban-supporting MMA political party organized rallies nationwide to protest the Lal Masjid assault. Troops have begun to patrol in Battagram and Swat, and an army brigade was deployed to Tank. The TNSM is enforcing a Friday holiday in Bajaur, while three pro-government tribal leaders were murdered in North Waziristan. Police arrested three “militants” in […]

Al Qaeda and its role in the Iraq insurgency

An al Qaeda operations map. Click to view. The attempts to minimize the role played by al Qaeda in Iraq in the larger Sunni insurgency took a significant step over the past week. Clark Hoyt, the public editor of the New York Times, claimed that the media had become complicit in the government’s attempts to […]

The battle at the Red Mosque

A Pakistani soldier takes position on an army armoured vehicle [Reuters]. Click to view. Reports of an assault underway; Aziz goes on TV; captured Islamists will return to the NWFP The confrontation between the Taliban-supporting Islamists of the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, and the Pakistani government in the heart of Islamabad appears to be […]

Red Mosque cleric Abdul Aziz captured wearing burka

Abdul Aziz after captured in a burka. Click to view. Over 700 students surrender as leader attempts to escape in crowd of women As the standoff at the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, between government forces and the radical, Taliban-supporting followers of Maulana Abdul Aziz and Ghazi Abdul Rasheed continues, one of the leaders of […]

A day’s fighting at Islamabad’s Red Mosque

The Lal Masjid in relation to the government buildings. Click to view. Ten killed, 150 wounded during running gun battles in Islamabad; Government buildings burned; 111 Brigade deployed; uncertainty about Pakistani government’s next move President Pervez Musharraf is in full crisis mode after a days worth for fighting at the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque. […]

Coalition Forces Rout al Qaeda Elements South of Ramadi

Twenty-three terrorists killed after massing on Donkey Island Ramadi and Donkey Island. Click to view. U.S. Army forces, with the help of Iraqi police, beat back an attempted al Qaeda in Iraq assault on Ramadi on June 30 and July 1. At least 23 insurgents “affiliated with al Qaeda in Iraq” were killed in a […]

Clash at Islamabad’s Red Mosque

Batan-wielding, burka-clad, sharia-enforcing women of the Lal Masjid. Click to view. Pro-Taliban students at the Lal Masjid attack Pakistani Rangers, one killed; The Lal Masjid calls for sucide attacks Pakistani security forces have clashed with the followers of Taliban supporters Maulana Abdul Aziz and Ghazi Abdul Rasheed at the notorious Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, […]

One Week of Operation Phantom Thunder

US forces in Baghdad and the Belts. MNF-I map, click to view. An update on the Battle of Iraq Operation Phantom Thunder, the corps coordinated operation across three theaters in the Baghdad Belts, has completed it seventh day. Ground forces commander Lieutenant General Raymond Odierno gave a briefing on the operation. To date, Coalition and […]

Operation Phantom Thunder: The Battle of Iraq

Baghdad and the Belts. Red bordered units identified as active in offensive operations. Click map to view. A status update on the operations in the Baghdad Belts and beyond Operation Phantom Thunder, the name of the overarching operation to secure the Baghdad Belts, is now in its fifth day. As noted yesterday, Phantom Thunder is […]

The Battle of Baqubah I

The Baqubah egion. Click map to view. Major offensive in al Qaeda’s so-called capital of the Islamic State of Iraq The Diyala Campaign is underway. As part of major offensive operations throughout the belts regions of Baghdad, Iraqi and U.S. forces have launched a large scale operation in the city of Baqubah the provincial capital […]

Pakistan: Hostage of the Taliban

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts controlled by the Taliban; yellow under threat. Click map to view. Hostage crises ended in Islamabad & North Waziristan as one begins in Bannu; anti-Taliban elements calls for help go unheeded As the political crisis over the suspension of Pakistani Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry for alleged misconduct consumes the […]

Al Qaeda strikes a funeral in Fallujah

Poster shows Sheikh Abu-Risha staring down figures representing Al Qaeda in Ramadi. (Photo by Sam Dagher, CSM). Click to view. Targets the funeral of a slain member of the Anbar Salvation Council Al Qaeda’s war against the Sunni alliance of the Anbar Salvation Council continues in the eastern region of Anbar province. Today, an al […]

Pakistan’s Decline: Curfew in Tank; Faqir pardoned

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts controlled by the Taliban; yellow under threat. Click map to view. Northwest Frontier Province continues its slide toward Talibanistan as Tank is attacked by the Taliban and Faqir Mohammed is give a pass Several events over the past week only serve to highlight the deterioration of the security situation in […]

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: May 14, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of May 13, 2007. Click map to view. By Dj Elliott, CJ Radi and Bill Roggio The past week in Iraq has been a mixed bag of political success coupled with several successful high profile attacks by al Qaeda. As the situation heats up in Diyala, al Qaeda conducted […]

The Diyala Salvation Front

Tribal leaders in the troubled province organize against al Qaeda Map of southern Diyala. Click map to view. In March, we noted the successful model of the Anbar Salvation Council will very likely be replicated elsewhere in regions where al Qaeda has established bases of operation. We singled out Diyala in particular, as al Qaeda’s […]

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: May 7, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of May 6, 2007. Click map to view. By Bill Roggio, DJ Elliott and CJ Radin The month of April was particularly hard on both U.S. and Iraqi Security Forces. As both forces push outward from larger, more secure bases, the casualties have increased. Iraqi Security Forces–both police and […]

Taliban Operation in Bajaur

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts controlled by the Taliban; yellow under threat. Click map to view. Checkpoints set up to enforce sharia in the latest agency signed over to the Pakistani Taliban Less than two months after the Pakistani government negotiated with the Taliban in Bajaur, the Taliban have openly flexed their muscles in the […]

Al Qaeda in Iraq’s Diyala Campaign

From The Jawa Report: U.S. soldiers capture flag of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq in village in Diyala. Click image to view. Terror group is striking hard at military targets prior to the onset of the Diyala Campaign As Iraqi and Coalition forces build their forces to strike al Qaeda in their base in […]

Al Qaeda strikes in Algiers

Aftermath of a suicide car bomb which exploded near the prime minister’s headquarters in central Algiers. REUTERS/Louafi Larbi. Click to view. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb attacks Prime Minister’s office, market Al Qaeda’s new regional affiliate in Northern Africa, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), conducted two major attacks in Algiers, the capital […]


NATO forces conducted an air assault in the Sangin Valley in Helmand province. Afghan police raided a madrassa in Farah province and arrested 22 suspected Taliban. A suicide bomber killed 4 in Kabul, including a policeman who attempted to stop the attack. The foreign minister rejected a German politician’s plan to negotiate with the Taliban.

Pakistan’s Civil War

Events over the past week highlight the deteriorating situation in the country NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies are openly controlled by the Taliban; yellow are under threat. Click map to view. Over the past week, the Taliban have been very active in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province. The Taliban attacked the town of Tank, re initiated its […]


The Taliban and paramilitary forces battled in Tank after the Taliban conducted an assault on the town. One soldier was killed and eight wounded after a suicide bomber his a military base in Punjab. A secular woman was kidnapped by students of the infamous Taliban supporting Lal Masjid mosque, forced to “apologize for past wrongdoing,” […]