Search Results for: suicide assault

Senior Afghan officials sacked, questioned over Kabul attack

Eight more officials have been sacked for their alleged involvement or failure to prevent the near assassination attempt on President Karzai’s life late last month. The move comes as Afghan Attorney General Abdul Jabar Sabit takes over investigation.

Kapisa province: The Taliban’s gateway to Kabul

Kapisa province’s Tag Ab Valley hosts a dangerous Taliban group that has close relations with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. Sunday’s assassination attempt against President Karzai has been linked back to the Tag Ab Valley.

Tension and tea along the Pakistani border

Phil Peterson, on assignment with the Embedded Transition Team for the Afghan National Army based out of Forward Operating Base Tillman, recounts a recent patrol along the Pakistani border and the team’s encounter with the Pakistani border guards. With the Taliban watching.

Pakistani military claims 90 Taliban killed in attacks

Taliban killed after ambushing convoy, assaulting a fort in South Waziristan. Skewed casualties do not match pattern of engagements. Al Qaeda-linked Lashkar-e-Jhangvi kill 10, wound 25 in suicide bombing at Shia mosque in Peshawar.

The State of Jihad: 2007

A year-end roundup of the major developments in the Long War in the primary and secondary theaters across the globe.

Pakistan: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

Former Prime Minister killed in a shooting and suicide attack as she campaigned in the military garrison city of Rawalpindi. Al Qaeda and the Taliban are the prime suspects but the Pakistanis will blame Musharraf.

A chronology of the Musa Qala dilemma

Matt Dupee takes a look at the Taliban takeover Musa Qala in Afghanistan one year on. The Taliban still control the Helmand district after the British withdrew in November 2006 and the Taliban overran the district center in February 2007.

Coalition special forces, al Qaeda fight major battle in Tarmiyah

Strike against senior al Qaeda leaders in Tarmiyah results in 25 al Qaeda killed, 21 captured. The battle, along with the recent killing of the city’s emir and the capture of two of al Masri’s bodyguards in Tarmiyah indicates the city may be an al Qaeda command hub.


Iraqi soldiers freed eight of the 11 kidnapped tribal sheikhs while the US named the Mahdi Army commander behind the kidnapping. A suicide bomber killed 27 police recruits and wounded 20 in an attack in Baqubah. Coalition forces captured 11 al Qaeda operatives during raids throughout the country. US troops captured six insurgents in an […]

Crunch Time in Pakistan

The situation in Pakistan worsens daily. Only a determined effort against the Taliban and al-Qaeda has any hope of succeeding – and that this effort must be led by the Pakistani government itself, however difficult that would be to arrange.