Search Results for: Pakistan

Pakistan to shoot down US Predators?

Is the Pakistani military considering shooting down the CIA-operated unmanned US Predator and Reaper strike aircraft that roam the skies over Pakistan’s tribal agency of North Waziristan? Two reports over the past 24 hours, from STRATFOR and The Express Tribune, are giving that impression. First the STRATFOR report: Citing unconfirmed reports, STRATFOR Pakistani sources said […]


The top tribal leaders in North Waziristan vowed to wage jihad and carry out suicide attacks against the US. General Petraeus said Pakistan needs to act in North Waziristan. The Taliban executed a spy in Kohat.


Pakistan – Khyber Pakhtunkhwa pursuing changes in terrorism law


General Kayani and Prime Minister Gilani denounced a US Predator strike in North Waziristan that killed 11 Taliban fighters, including a commander, and 21 tribal members in North Waziristan. The Taliban torched two NATO fuel tankers in Peshawar.


US to close Pakistan embassy, consulates amid protests


Davis case: Kin of victims forced into pardon?


Pakistan released Raymond Davis after the US paid “blood money” to two families; the US denied making the payments. US Predators killed five Taliban fighters in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed a driver and torched four NATO fuel tankers in Mastung. Security forces captured a “facilitator” involved in a recent suicide attack in Peshawar.


CIA contractor released in Pakistan

Pakistan frees CIA contractor Raymond Davis

Pakistan has freed Raymond Davis, the CIA contractor who shot and killed two Pakistanis in Lahore, after the US agreed to pay “blood money” to the families of those killed. Reuters reports: A CIA contractor was acquitted of two murder charges and released by a Pakistani court on Wednesday after a deal to pay “blood […]


Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Hangu and killed another Taliban fighter in Peshawar. The Taliban bombed two NATO fuel tankers in Kalat.


Pakistani officials won’t rule on American’s diplomatic immunity


Deteriorating security situation panicking Pakistanis


Pakistan – Home Dept orders screening of police


US Predators killed six Taliban fighters in a strike in the Miramshah area of North Waziristan. The Taliban bombed a girls’ school in Khyber. Six more people were killed in violence in Karachi.


Pakistan again delays ruling on CIA. operative


Pakistan – Govt, ICRC at odds over treatment of terror detainees


Pakistan assassinations highlight sway of radical clerics


US Predators killed six “militants” in airstrikes in North and South Waziristan. The Taliban killed eight people in an attack on a bus in Hangu. Eighteen people have been killed in targeted killings in Karachi. Security forces killed four “terrorists” in Swat.


A shooting in Pakistan reveals fraying alliance


Security forces killed six “militants” in Arakzai. Four people were killed in a rocket attack in Jaffarabad. The Taliban torched two NATO fuel trucks in Mach and bombed a mosque in Peshawar.


US Predators killed five “militants” in a strike in Mir Ali in North Waziristan. The military successfully test fired a nuclear-capable missile.


An anti-Taliban tribal leader threatened to stop supporting the government after a suicide attack in Peshawar. Some Pakistani drivers for NATO supplies have refused to ship materials to Afghanistan. The Taliban bombed two schools and a bridge in Khyber.


A suicide bomber killed 37 people in an attack at a funeral in Peshawar. A Pakistani general said US Predator strikes are killing terrorists and very few civilians. Security forces detained four Taliban operatives in Karachi.


250 clerics declare suicide attacks haram


Pakistan’s Islamist parties challenge weakening government


Most of those killed in drone attacks were terrorists: Pakistani military


Pakistan faces educational ’emergency’, says government