Search Results for: Puntland


Puntland security forces captured Ahmed Saeed Mohamed, the brother of senior Shabaab leader and weapons smuggler Mohamed Saeed Atom. The spokesman for the Kenya Defence Forces said military operations have reduced Shabaab’s revenues by 75 percent.


A Shabaab suicide bomber killed nine Somalis in Mogadishu. Puntland’s president warned that war with Somaliland is possible due to fighting in Buhodle.


Somali piracy ‘boosts Puntland economy’


Ethiopian troops attacked Shabaab forces in the town of Beledweyne; Shabaab claimed their forces repelled the assault. A clan in Puntland blamed Shabaab for killing a prominent cleric.


Fighter jets reportedly hit an Islamist militant stronghold in the heart of Bardhere town located in the Gedo region. Shabaab fighters fired anti-aircraft artillery at the fighter jets in response to the bombardment. Somali officials executed two convicted Shabaab fighters in Puntland.


Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali said Kenya has a right to pursue Shabaab in southern Somalia. Puntland welcomed Kenya’s invasion of the south to battle Shabaab.


Officials from the semi-autonomous region of Puntland captured 18 Shabaab fighters in Galkayo. Shabaab and government forces clashed in Luq.


“Gunmen” killed five people in an ambush in Jowhar. Shabaab arrested four people in connection with the murder of a Red Cross worker in Baidoa, and imposed a curfew in Afgoye. Puntland said it is expelling more than 1,700 “foreigners,” most of whom are Pakistanis and Ethiopians.


Puntland security forces killed 20 Shabaab fighters in Galkayo; four security personnel were also killed. Shabaab executed a boy in public in Harardhere. Clans in Baidoa are at odds with Shabaab over the killing of an aid worker.


A senior security official in Puntland dodged an assassination attempt after the Shabaab bomber turned himself in to authorities. The government vowed to increase the number of security forces in Mogadishu.


Shabaab beheaded two shepherds and displayed their corpses in Afgoye. The government of Puntland and Shabaab forces under Sheikh Atom agreed to a cease-fire.


Sheikh Mohammed Said Atom, Shabaab’s leader in Puntland, rejected calls to reconcile with the government. Two soldiers were killed as troops fought amongst themselves at the presidential palace.


Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, a Somali-American, was named the new prime minister of Somalia. Shabaab beheaded two civilians in Puntland. Two soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu.


Government officials blame Shabaab for executing and beheading two Puntland soliders in the village of Yalho, south of Bosaso. Shabaab is rounding up “US spies” in Kismayo after an airstrike on training camps near the southern city.


Puntland forces killed 21 Shabaab fighters in Galgala after Shabaab forces ambushed a military convoy. Five soldiers were killed in the ambush. Three people were killed as Shabaab forces and elements of the Ras Kamboni Brigade clashed near Dhobley.


Twenty-one people were killed in fighting between Shabaab fighters and the pro-government Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a in El Waq. Puntland security forces detained 10 people suspected of being involved in attacks in Bosaso.


Eighteen people were killed during fighting between Shabaab fighters and Somali and African Union forces in Mogadishu. Infighting between Somali troops in Mogadishu resulted in the death of one soldier. Puntland suspended Saracen International’s anti-piracy training program.


Pirates killed five Puntland troops during a failed attempt to free a captive Danish family. Twelve people were killed in fighting in Galgudud. Thirty Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu defected.


Somali troops took control of Rabdhure and El Waq; four Shabaab fighters were reported to have been killed during the fighting, Puntland police arrested four suspected Shabaab operatives, including the brother of Sheikh Mohamed Atom, in Galkayo.


Eleven people were killed in fighting between Shabaab and Somali forces in Mogadishu. The prime minister said the military should prepare for an offensive to wipe out Shabaab. More than 15 Somaliland troops defected to Puntland after a “clan massacre” that killed 87 people.


Eighty-seven people were killed during fighting between Somaliland forces and local clans in Kalshale village in Puntland. Three people were killed in Mogadishu during fighting between Shabaab fighters and Somali and African Union forces.


Pirates based in Garad in Puntland have “relocated to Hobyo and El Dhanane.” Three people were killed during infighting between Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a forces in Guriel. US diplomats warned Eritrea not to back Shabaab, according to a 2009 memo.


Shabaab vowed to avenge the death of 20 Somalis killed yesterday during fighting among Somali troops. Puntland’s security minister said Somaliland is attempting to provoke a war.


Ten people were killed during yesterday’s fighting between Shabaab and the Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a near Guri El. A senior prosecutor in Galkayo was gunned down.


Twenty-two people were killed during fighting in Mogadishu and central Somalia. Malaysian commandos freed a ship and captured seven pirates. The state of Puntland blocked Somali government officials from visiting.