Search Results for: suicide assault


The Taliban claimed credit for the attack on the Information and Culture Ministry in Kabul. A small team assaulted the main gate and then entered the compound. Five were killed and dozens were wounded, including children in a daycare center, after the suicide bomber detonated inside the ministry.

Pakistani military fires on US helicopters at border

A US raid is thwarted for the second time in one week. Fedayeen-e-Islam takes credit for the Marriott bombing. Afghanistan’s ambassador-designate to Pakistan is kidnapped in Peshawar while a suicide bomber kills nine soldiers in Swat.

US hits compound in North Waziristan

The US targeted a group related to Hekmatyar. The airstrike attack is the fifth such cross-border attack in the North Waziristan tribal agency in two weeks.

Pakistan declares Ramadan cease-fire

The cease-fire comes as heavy fighting with the Taliban has occurs in Swat, Bajaur, South Waziristan, and Aurkzai and the Taliban ramp up their suicide campaign.

The Haqqani Network: Reign of terror

The Haqqani Network has risen in prominence in the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. The Haqqani family has been behind some of the most high-profile attacks in Afghanistan and is rivaling the older generation of Taliban leaders.