Search Results for: suicide assault

Major attacks against Pakistani security forces

Today’s suicide attack against a police checkpoint in Charsadda is the latest in a series of major attacks against the police, the Army, the Frontier Corps, and other Pakistani security and intelligence services since July 2007.

US strikes Haqqani Network in North Waziristan

Thirteen are reported killed in the latest airstrike in Pakistan’s tribal areas. A suicide attack in North Waziristan targets security forces, kills five. Baitullah Mehsud takes credit for New York shooting spree.


Four Taliban suicide bombers killed seven policemen and six civilians in an assault on Kandahar’s provincial government center. Thirty-one Taliban fighters were killed during a battle in the Kajaki district in Helmand province. A senior Taliban spokesman described US reconciliation efforts as a “lunatic idea.”

Baitullah Mehsud takes credit for Pakistan attacks, threatens US

Pakistan’s Taliban leader threatened to strike in Washington and said the recent attacks on the Lahore police training center, a military convoy in Bannu, and a special police unit in Islamabad were in response to the US air campaign targeting Taliban leaders in Pakistan’s tribal areas.


A terrorist assault on a police training center in Lahore killed more than 30 recruits and officers. The South Waziristan-based Fedayeen-e-Islam said it conducted the attack. A Taliban suicide bomber killed four security personnel in Bannu. Security forces launched a new operation in Khyber.


Afghan troops have deployed throughout the capital of Kabul after yesterday’s Taliban assault. NATO has overcome legal hurdles to target drug kingpins as military targets. One policeman was killed and five more were wounded in a suicide attack in Paktika province.

Al Qaeda’s paramilitary ‘Shadow Army’

The ‘Lashkar al Zil’ or Shadow Army is comprised of al Qaeda, Taliban, and allied terror groups, and operates as a paramilitary force in Pakistan’s northwest and in eastern Afghanistan.

Terrorist Penpals

A new program by Amnesty International advocates “Solidarity with Guantanamo Detainees.”

The State of Jihad: 2008

LWJ-Globe.jpgThe Long War Journal’s roundup of the major developments in the primary and secondary theaters during the past year.

Pakistani Taliban vows to battle India

Baitullah Mehsud offers to send hundreds of suicide bombers and thousands of “well-armed” fighters to fight alongside the Pakistani Army in the event of war with India.