Search Results for: Pakistan


Twenty-one “terrorists” and a soldier were killed during clashes in Mohmand. “Gunmen” killed four policemen and torched 10 NATO fuel trucks near Attock.


Islamic banking is a fast-growing trend in Pakistan


The air force successfully tested a cruise missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Pakistani Rangers detained 400 people in Karachi.


Pakistan – `De-radicalised` suicide bomber granted bail


Pakistan – Khan Lala opposes talks with Taliban


Five people were killed in a bombing of a Navy bus in Karachi. Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters in Hangu. The Taliban killed a soldier in Mohmand.


Another case of Taliban victimisation


Three people were killed in a bombing of a Navy bus in Karachi. Pakistani forces killed three Afghan troops after launching artillery attacks from South Waziristan. The government denied reports it is seeking to split the US and Afghanistan.


Pakistan – Selling suicide bombers profitable trade: minister


Four people were killed in a pair of bombings that targeted Pakistani Navy personnel in Karachi. Security forces arrested four “terrorists” in Rawalpindi. The interior minister said the ISI is being maligned.


NATO’s supply route to Afghanistan has been reopened after a two-day-long protest ended in Peshawar. A Gitmo document lists the ISI as a terrorist entity. The IAEA said that Pakistan’s nuclear program is safe.


IAEA declares Pakistan nuclear program safe


Pakistan – Warmth is back in ties with Saudi Arabia?


A suicide bomber killed an anti-Taliban leader and five security personnel in Bajaur. General Kayani said that the “terrorists’ backbone has been broken” by Pakistani forces. Security forces killed six “militants” in Arakzai.


Fear in Pakistani village dominated by Christians


US Predators killed 25 people in a strike in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed 16 security personnel after overrunning an outpost in Dir. Army helicopters killed 11 “militants” in Khyber.


Pakistani Pashtun tribe rises up against extremists


Pakistan – Like army, like nation


Sixteen Pakistanis were killed in a bombing at a gambling hall in Karachi; no group has claimed the attack. The US will provide Pakistan with 85 unarmed Raven UAVs.


Admiral Michael Mullen said Pakistan has a “relationship” with the Haqqani Network but stopped short of accusing the country of supporting the terror group. A court indicted Maulana Abdul Aziz for killing a security officer during the Lal Masjid uprising in 2007. The Taliban in Mohmand killed two merchants for providing livestock to Afghanistan.


Pakistan – The reason terrorism suspects go free


Police arrested a “mastermind” of the recent suicide attack at a shrine in Dera Ghazi Khan. Various Taliban and terrorist factions met to discuss strategy in case the military invades North Waziristan.


More attacks in Karachi feared


Interior Minister Rehman Malik said Pakistan can not stop US Predator attacks and a diplomatic solution is needed. The Taliban bombed a NATO fuel tanker near Dera Murad Jamali.