Search Results for: TTP


The Iranian nuclear program, the unrest in Syria, and the peace process will be the top items discussed between Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama, when Obama visits Israel in the spring. Some officials say the primary purpose of the trip is to tell Israel not to strike Iran and let the US deal with the […]


Three Korean doctors on contract to the Yobe state ministry were murdered in front of their wives at their homes in Potiskum; one of the men was beheaded. Boko Haram is suspected.


A suicide bomber attacked the same checkpoint in Gao on Feb. 9 where another suicide bomber detonated the day before. The Feb. 9 bomber, said to be an Arab from MUJAO, killed only himself; a Malian soldier was wounded. MUJAO fighters penetrated into Gao and attacked Malian troops, who battled the Islamist fighters in the […]


Algerian troops intercepted two al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb suicide bombers in Tinzouatine near the Malian border. The men, an Algerian and a Malian, had explosive belts and automatic weapons at the time of their arrest.

United Kingdom

Ofcom, the UK’s independent communications watchdog, disclosed a number of instances in which Muslim TV channels have broadcast “inflammatory” programs in violation of rules that prohibit the one-sided airing of extremist views. Instances include advocacy of: death for apostasy, torture for homosexuals, and the “elimination” of anyone who insults the Prophet Mohammed. The UK has […]


Authorities detained 271 people, including migrants from Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, and Afghanistan, at Muslim prayer rooms in St. Petersburg. Security officials are seeking to dismantle a terrorist group said to be operating in the city and planning attacks. One of the detainees, Murat Sarbashev, is suspected of distributing extremist propaganda.


Israeli strike in Syria might be first in series


Obama Plan to Visit Mideast Stirs Hopes, but Not Much

United States

Classified Defense Department studies summarized by the General Accounting Office cast doubt on the feasibility and practicality of a multibillion-dollar missile shield designed to protect the US from Iranian missiles. General Allen said he did not believe a more moderate branch of the Taliban supporting women’s right to education had emerged. Defense Secretary Panetta lobbied […]


Did the CIA Betray Syria’s Rebels?


Egyptian Salafist leaders plan visit to Gaza


The Taliban killed six civilians in an IED attack in Helmand and a policeman in a bombing in Herat. Police killed five Taliban fighters in operations throughout the country. ISAF captured an IMU leader in Burkah.


US Sets Stage for Exodus from Afghanistan


Some Taliban prisoners released by Pakistan are back in battle, officials fear


Six people were killed in a mortar and rocket attack at a camp that houses members of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq. Gunmen assassinated a security guard at his home in Baghdad. Police arrested seven al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in Fallujah.


“Gunmen” bombed a pipeline in the Wadi Abida area in Marib; the military responded by firing artillery. The leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Rada’a is said to be in Sana’a to conduct talks with the government.


Shabaab claimed that 204 “apostate militia” members defected from the government in Qansaxdhere, Gedo, and Bay and Bakool over the past three months. Britain will deploy military advisers to Mogadishu.


Violent tide of Salafism threatens the Arab spring


Government aircraft struck targets across Damascus. Fighting broke out in the town of Daraya and in the eastern district of Jobar. The Minister of Information said the government was open to dialogue with the opposition without any preconditions.


Fatwa in Egypt Permits Killing Morsi Opponents


A judge ordered YouTube to be blocked for 30 days for carrying the trailer to the controversial film “Innocence of Muslims” that caused massive protests in September 2012. An Islamic Jihad leader endorsed the use of violence against opponents of President Morsi. The opposition planned four rallies against Morsi for Monday.


Four men detained for smuggling arms to Egypt escaped from custody in an ambush near Benghazi. A car bomb exploded in Beida; militants are said to be infiltrating the area. The military commander for Sirte was “arrested” by members of the Zawia Martyrs’ Brigade. The Supreme Court ruled that under sharia a wife cannot prevent […]


Local Powerbrokers Behind Illegal Mining: Afghan Govt


Hundreds of Ennahda party supporters demonstrated in Tunis after massive opposition protests yesterday at the funeral of slain leader Chokri Belaid. Islamists denounced Prime Minister Jebali’s offer to form a new cabinet; wanted Ansar al Sharia leader Abu Iyadh had warned Islamists on the day Belaid was killed that compromise with secularists amounts to “political […]


Islamist fighters fleeing the French-led intervention in Mali arrived in Kutum and Adumur in North Darfur. They traveled in armed Land Cruisers, entering Sudan through its southwestern border with the Central African Republic.

Debating a Court to Vet Drone Strikes


Looted Libyan Arms in Mali May Have Shifted Conflict’s Path


Malian soldiers arrested two jihadists with explosives at a checkpoint outside Gao, one day after a suicide attack in the city. The bomber in yesterday’s attack had been living in a house in Gao that was a known militant hideout, where Moktar Belmoktar had visited and MUJAO leaders had stayed.