Search Results for: TTP


“Gunmen” killed the head of Diyala province’s reconciliation council in an attack in Baqubah. Police captured three “terrorists” in Baghdad; the three men were dressed as women and were attempting to get through a checkpoint when captured.

North Korea

Analysis: North Korea nuclear-test drama rehashes old script


In a major engagement, government forces bombarded rebels in southeastern Damascus in an attempt to drive them out of the capital. The death toll has reached 70,000 in the two-year conflict. Qatar handed over Syria’s embassy to the opposition Syrian National Coalition.

North Korea

China Looms Over Response to Blast Test by North Korea


UNAMA mission in Afghanistan changes after NATO pullout


MOI Confirms All Private Security Dissolved in South Afghanistan


Denmark – Copenhagen’s anti-hate campaigning focusing on gays and Jews


Police, firefighters, and emergency services are on high alert in Jerusalem following intelligence indicating the possibility of a terror attack in the city. Some security sources cautioned that the threat was “general, rather than specific.”


A Hamas delegation reportedly arrived in Bulgaria for a “ground-breaking visit” that will include meetings with Bulgarian officials. The delegation is headed by Ismail al Ashqar, who previously called for the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers and condemned the killing of Osama bin Laden. Bulgaria’s foreign ministry has denied that the delegation is coming.


A bipartisan group of US senators called for the restructuring of US aid to Egypt to focus more heavily on counterterrorism efforts, particularly in the Sinai. Senator Lindsey Graham said that “the Sinai … has become a terrorist safe haven.”


Syrian rebels loot artifacts to raise money for fight against Assad

Ahrar al Sham

Ahrar al-Sham jihadists emerge from shadows in north Syria


Al Qaeda’s Yemen affiliate, AQAP, called for all Muslims to wage jihad in Mali to counter the French-led military intervention. French, Malian, and Nigerien troops are still trying to secure Gao, where residents fear further Islamist attacks. The UN warned against reprisal attacks on Arabs and Tuaregs.


The military killed two terrorists in Ihnouchène near Tisi Ouzou on Feb. 11. The day before, an armed group tried to kidnap a trader in Ihessnaouen, south of Tizi-Ouzou, and shot the trader’s mother after he fled.

Pakistani Taliban praise slain American, British jihadists

Inaam-TTP-martyrdom-video-SITE.pngPictures of an American identified as Inaam and a Brit known as Abbas are shown with top leaders of the Taliban, al Qaeda, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, and other terrorist groups who have been killed while waging jihad across the globe over the past four decades.


Sabir Khan, a Pakistani-Dutch al Qaeda member arrested in Quetta in 2010 on charges of planning a suicide attack on a US base in Afghanistan, tried to persuade a Dutch court to prevent his extradition to the US on terror charges. His lawyer said that if the extradition is approved, Khan will appeal to the […]


More than 100 heavily armed Islamist “militants” assaulted a military base in the southern province of Narathiwat. The military repelled the assault and killed 16 fighters.


Taliban’s political strategy: Silence voices of dissent

Free Syrian Army

CNN exclusive: Fragile cease-fire holds in besieged Syrian town


Bombing on Syria border may have targeted opposition leader

United States

President Obama announced in his State of the Union speech that the US will withdraw 34,000 troops from Afghanistan “over the next year,” and that by the end of next year, “our war in Afghanistan will be over.” He said the US is negotiating an agreement with Afghanistan to allow the US to focus on […]


UN Security Council to back Mali peacekeepers in weeks


Security in Libya holding up archaeological breakthrough

North Korea

North Korea conducted its third nuclear weapon test despite UN resolutions, and said it would never bow to the UN resolutions. North Korea threatened further hostile actions against the US. The test was condemned by many nations, including China, the US, Japan, Russia, and the UK, and by the UN Security Council.


Iran converted some if its enriched uranium into reactor fuel, rendering it unusable for a nuclear weapon. This is the second time Iran has taken this action, having converted 100 kg of its enriched uranium into reactor fuel last year.

North Korea

North Korea sends nuclear message, capability unclear

North Korea

N. Korea’s nuclear test raises tension, shows progress toward viable weapon


Afghan prisoners’ number sees 13-fold increase in 10 years