Search Results for: TTP


Attackers threw petrol bombs at three churches on Sulawesi; two other churches were bombed several days ago. A minister in Java was jailed for holding Christian services. Authorities in Bekasi city near Jakarta banned all activities of the Ahmadiyah sect.


In Mali town, counter-insurgency task ties down French


Massive protests continued for a ninth day in Dakha against the influence of Islamists, including the Jamaat-e-Islami. The protests began when a JI leader convicted of war crimes was not sentenced to death. Shibir, the JI’s student wing, staged counter-riots.


Timbuktu after the Liberation: Malians Fear Return of Islamists


A general in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards was assassinated while traveling in Syria. Iran attempted to acquire 100,000 specialized magnets used in uranium enrichment machines, indicating it planned to accelerate its nuclear program. Iran denied having supplied arms to Islamist militants in Somalia.


Protesters demonstrated on the second anniversary of an uprising that demanded democratic reforms. One teenager was killed and dozens wounded as police fired tear gas and protesters threw firebombs.


Rebels shot down two military jets over Idlib province. The al Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front seized a town in the oil-rich eastern province of Hasake. Government forces seized a key district in Homs after weeks of fighting. Protesting Lebanese blocked fuel shipments to Syria.


The Israel Defense Forces completed a drill that simulated multi-front warfare over an extended period of time. The IDF also established a cyber defense situation room intended to protect the IDF’s computer systems.


Eleven men went on trial for plotting suicide attacks on shopping malls and the US Embassy. All are accused of being members of al Qaeda.


Inside the Islamic Emirate of Timbuktu


Sulu: The islands home to Philippine militancy


A four-person Israeli security delegation arrived in Cairo for talks with Egyptian officials. The talks will reportedly focus on the stalled peace process, the security situation in the Sinai, and Israel’s recent strike on a weapons convoy in Syria.


Iran’s bid to buy banned magnets stokes fears about major expansion of nuclear capacity

Al Qaeda

Telegraph finds al-Qaeda document in Mali

United States

Medal will honor troops engaged in cyber ops, drone strikes


Prime Minister Jebali said he will resign if a new cabinet he proposes on Feb. 16 is rejected. Factions from the Islamist Ennahda party vowed to protest changes in the cabinet. While some say Salafi jihadist groups in Tunisia are not yet plotting attacks within Tunisia, a Tunisian militant captured in the Id Amenas attack […]


A document found in bombed Islamist headquarters in Timbuktu shows a plan by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb to muscle in on efforts of other Islamist groups in Mali. French troops recovered a cache of some 1,700 pounds of explosive materials from a house in Gao, raising fears of more bombings by Islamist militants; […]


A court charged two Mauritanians with joining al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb to fight in Mali. One of the suspects, Brahim Ould Hmeida, is a brother of Abdallahi Ould Hmeida, a hostage-taker in the Id Amenas attack in Algeria. The other suspect, Mohamed Lemine Ould Cheikhani, had been arrested for terrorism in 2006 but […]


Spanish and French police conducted raids in Madrid, Torrejón de Ardoz, Murcia, and Barcelona, arresting six men, including a 65-year-old Swede, suspected of links with the PKK in Turkey. French police also arrested 16 people in France on similar charges and confiscated weapons and money.

United States

In his State of the Union speech, President Obama said the US would “lead the world” in responding firmly to threats such as North Korea’s latest nuclear weapon test. A former police sergeant wounded in the 2009 Fort Hood shooting is joining with dozens of others shot by al Qaeda-inspired Major Nidal Hasan in a […]

North Korea

NKorean Nuclear Test May Be Intelligence Windfall


Pakistan – Government lists ceasefire as talks precondition for Taliban


Exposure of alleged agent could have ‘dramatic implications’ for Mossad


Israel partially lifts gag order on case of dual citizen’s prison suicide


Iran’s flight of fancy as image of new fighter jet is ‘faked’


Afghan officials said ISAF killed 10 civilians and four Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Kunar; ISAF claimed it killed two Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Kunar, and said no civilians were killed. The Taliban killed a tribal elder in Helmand, and denied it met with Fazl Rehman in Qatar.


The head of Iran’s atomic agency said Iran began installing a new generation of uranium enrichment machines last month. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warned that Iran was nearing the red line he had drawn at the UN. A delegation from the International Atomic Energy Agency is seeking a deal that will enable it to visit […]


“Gunmen” killed the head of Diyala province’s reconciliation council in an attack in Baqubah. Police captured three “terrorists” in Baghdad; the three men were dressed as women and were attempting to get through a checkpoint when captured.