Search Results for: suicide assault

Taliban playing nicer?

Are the Taliban really trying to be a kinder, gentler entity? Reuters provides a reminder of the reality of the Taliban: Taliban fighters opened fire, hurled grenades and staged suicide bombings in central Kabul yesterday, killing at least 16 people in defiance of the Western-backed government and a NATO offensive. An Italian diplomat and Indian […]

Isn’t Jamaat-ud-Dawa banned in Pakistan?

Pakistan banned the Lashkar-e-Taiba in January 2002, and its successor front group Jamaat-ud-Dawa in December 2008 after the November 2008 suicide terror assault on Mumbai, India . So what is Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, the leader of the Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jamaat-ud-Dawa, doing sitting in front of a Jamaat-ud-Dawa banner during the recent interview with Al Jazeera […]


The assault on the Taliban stronghold of Marja in Helmand is underway; five Taliban fighters and one British soldier have been killed. The Taliban killed three US soldiers in southern Afghanistan and killed an ISAF soldier and a civilian in a suicide attack in Kandahar. Security forces detained a Haqqani Network commander, a Taliban sub-commander, […]

Shabaab looks to the Somali North

The al Qaeda-linked group has initiated a terror campaign in Puntland and has threatened to take over the semi-autonomous region and the breakaway republic of Somaliland.

Taliban torch village in Arakzai

The Taliban and the government continue to battle for control of the tribal area. Anti-Taliban tribal militias have been hit hard.

Spectacular attacks and security in Iraq

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry in Baghdad after the August 19 suicide attacks. Photo by The New York Times. Joel Wing rolls up his sleeves again and does the boring yet essential work of analyzing mass casualty events within the context of Iraq’s overall decline in violence: Every time there is a massive, headline-grabbing bombing in […]

US moves on domestic jihadis

Luqman-Ameen-Abdullah.jpgA high number of terrorist plots have been disrupted in the US this year. Several of the Islamists who have been detained have been traced back to Pakistan’s tribal areas.


Eleven Islamist fighters and one policeman were killed during clashes in Chechnya and Dagestan. Among those killed was a regional commander known as Iban who is said to be behind suicide attacks and armed assaults in Argun.

Taliban launch attacks in Kabul, kill UN workers

The Taliban took credit for an attack that killed upwards of seven people, including UN employees, at a guest house in Kabul. Reuters reported that four UN employees were killed in the attack (Geo News claimed three UN employees and four others were killed), which was carried out by a team of gunmen. The Taliban […]

Taliban, Army clash throughout Pakistan’s northwest

Recent clashes in South Waziristan, Bajaur, and Hangu have reportedly killed 46 Taliban fighters and 12 soldiers. The Taliban are reinforcing in South Waziristan via North Waziristan despite the military’s peace agreement with Hafiz Gul Bahadar.