Search Results for: suicide assault

Taliban overrun Frontier Corps outpost in northwest Pakistan

A Taliban force killed six Frontier Corps troops in an attack in Arakzai; the military claimed 30 Taliban fighters were killed in the counterattack. On June 1, the Pakistani army had said that military operations in Arakzai were completed.

Senior Taliban commander killed in Kandahar

Haji Amir is a top military commander who recently returned from Pakistan, where he planned the Taliban counteroffensive against Coalition and Afghan forces in Kandahar.


US troops killed 12 Taliban fighters, including four suicide bombers, who assaulted the main base in Bagram; one US contractor was also killed. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. A Canadian colonel and five US soldiers were among 18 people killed in the May 18 suicide attack in Kabul.


Afghan border police in Kandahar repelled an attack by three suicide bombers, who were killed in the assault. The Taliban killed a pro-government cleric and two family members in Kunar, two Italian soldiers in Badghis, and an ISAF soldier in the south.


A Taliban assault on the US consulate in Peshawar resulted in the deaths of four attackers and two security guards. A suicide bomber killed more than 30 people in Dir and torched eight NATO fuel tankers in Khyber. The military killed 11 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Two former ISI officers and a journalist have been […]

Second strike targets FIA in Multan, frees jihadists

While much of the news from Pakistan focused on the suicide attack that leveled the Federal Investigation Agency building in Lahore, a second strike against the FIA took place under the radar. According to Geo News, an assault team freed three dangerous terrorists from a police prison in Multan. The prisoners, who were not named, […]

Iraq’s election day

Heavy turnout is being reported in Iraq’s parliamentary elections today, despite inevitable insurgent attempts to cow voters with violence. The New York Times: Insurgents here vowed to disrupt the election, and the concerted wave of attacks – as many as 100 thunderous blasts in the capital alone starting just before the polls opened – did […]


A Lashkar-e-Taiba spokesman denied claims made by Afghan intelligence that it carried out the suicide terror assault on Indian guest houses in Kabul. “We reject claims that we are involved in any actions in Afghanistan,” a spokesman named Abdullah Ghaznavi said.