Search Results for: Iran


US is expected to reveal size of nuclear stockpile


Iran’s deputy president threatened to “cut Israel’s legs off should it dare to attack Lebanon or Syria.” The US will grant a visa to President Ahmadinejad for IAEA’s Non-Proliferation Treaty summit next week at the UN headquarters in New York City.


The US is planning to soften sanctions on Iran. President Ahmedinejad will speak at the IAEA’s conference on the NPT. Tehran’s police chief said law enforcement will crack down on suntanned women.


Israeli Ambassador to US Oren hinted that a strike on Iran is on the table. Desmond Tutu called for Tehran to release US hikers from captivity. Opposition leaders in Iran called for protests on June 12 to commemorate the 2009 election.


Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki is hopeful for a nuclear fuel-swap deal with the West. Iranian Defense Minister Vahidi said the “Great Prophet 5” war games conducted in the Strait of Hormuz last weekend were a success.


Opposition leader Mousavi called ruling clerics “corrupt, despotic rulers.” President Mugabe denied that Zimbabwe signed a uranium mining agreement with Iran. The government eased investment restrictions in an attempt to counter sanctions.


The top Revolution Guards commander said the US “must leave, because we consider them as the enemy.” A senior Revolution Guard commander said Iran will begin mass producing UAVs. The foreign minister said Iran is still interested in conducting a swap for medical grade uranium.


Iranian technocrats, disillusioned with government, offer wealth of intelligence to US


Iran strikes secret nuclear mining deal with Zimbabwe’s Mugabe regime


Iran has offered amnesty to members of Jundallah. The US has called for the immediate release of three American hikers detained after crossing the border from Iraq. The IRGC claimed it is testing four new anti-ship missiles during current military exercises in the Gulf.

Iranians commence ‘Great Prophet 5’ war games

In the wake of a nuclear summit in Washington, D.C., and a counter-nuclear summit with various non-aligned nations in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran has begun a three-day military exercise in the Persian Gulf called “Great Prophet 5.” In the lead-up to the military exercise, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei declared that President Obama’s nuclear summit […]


Tehran agreed to better monitoring by the IAEA for new enrichment sites. President Mugabe of Zimbabwe voiced support for Iran’s nuclear program. Iran began day two of its “Great Prophet 5” war games.


Iran: The birth of a new class


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei decried “atomic threats against Iranian people” which were allegedly made by the US president. The Pentagon said a military attack on Iran is “still on the table.” Defense Minister Vahidi said Iran has no plans to construct an ICBM capable of reaching the United States.


Iran – ‘Revolutionary Guards – terrorists’


Iran’s Shiite clerics predict deadly quake as punishment from God


General James Cartwright said the US will not stop the Iranian nuclear weapons program without “boots on the ground.” The Revolutionary Guards will stage a three-day military exercise in the Strait of Hormuz this weekend. Turkey offered to mediate between the West and Iran.


It may be too late to stop Iran getting nuclear bomb, says former US defence official


Iran mutes a chorus of voices for reform


A US Defense Department report said Iran may be able to hit the United States with an ICBM by 2015. Iran began work on a new nuclear enrichment site. Iran’s foreign minister said that the proposed nuclear fuel swap is a chance to build trust with the West.


Popular Iranian support wanes for nuclear programme


US Defense Secretary Gates said that the news media mischaracterized his January memo on Iran that was leaked last week. US Secretary of State Clinton warned of “regional conflict” if UN sanctions are not imposed on Tehran. Iran’s nuclear summit urged Israel to abandon nuclear weapons. US Joint Chiefs Chairman Mullen said diplomacy is the […]


Pentagon chief raises threat of attack as Iran taunts US with missile display


Iran expels dozens of Afghans daily


Ahmadinejad extolls Iran’s military might


Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said the US has no policy to deal with Iran if it builds a nuclear weapon. A top general said the Iranian Army “is prepared to engage in asymmetric wars and is able to change regional equations to its benefit.”


Gates says US lacks policy to curb Iran™s nuclear drive


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei President said the US is the only nation to use nukes and turned Israel into “an arsenal with huge stockpiles of nuclear weapons.” Ahmadinejad called for the US and other nuclear-armed states to be banned from the IAEA. Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq backed Iran’s nuclear program. Iran’s Armed Forces Chief […]


Malaysia cut off Iran’s gasoline supplies. The five permanent UN Security Council members and Germany accelerated negotiations on a new round of sanctions against Iran. Ex-president Khatami has been barred from leaving Iran.


The US is willing to consider a weaker regimen of sanctions on Iran. Top US military leaders said Iran could have nuclear fuel for a weapons program in a year and a nuclear weapon in 2-5 years. A Pentagon report said that Iran has the military resources to barricade the Persian Gulf. The UN Security […]