Search Results for: TTP


Pakistan supply routes open, but move gear slowly into Afghanistan


Egypt wants to lure Israelis back to the Sinai


Iran-North Korea Pact Draws Concern


Victims of Hamas attacks to sue French bank that handled terror group’s funds


The Taliban killed nine people in a suicide attack outside of the Defense Ministry in Kabul and nine more in another suicide attack in Khost. A prominent Afghan political leader in Herat escaped another assassination attempt. The transfer of the Parwan Detention Facility to Afghan control has been delayed yet again.


Three scientists questioned the success of Iron Dome and said its intercept rate could be “as low as 5%,” if not lower. The IDF said it is ready for a possible UN pullout from the buffer zone with Syria. The IDF also increased its force presence near the border.


Authorities were placed on high alert after the Interior Ministry said that it had obtained “information that jihadist groups intend to attack police buildings” in the Sinai. An Egyptian court confirmed the death sentences for 21 soccer fans for their role in the February 2012 stadium riot in Port Said. Protesters tried to torch buildings […]

Palestinian Territories

The Saudi-based Islamic Development Bank allocated nearly $80 million to fund reconstruction projects in the Gaza Strip on behalf of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Palestinian youth activists announced plans to protest the upcoming visit of President Obama. Senior Hamas official Mahmoud al Zahar said the third Intifada is coming in the West Bank.

Al Qaeda

Iran: Haven or prison for al Qaeda?


Five people were killed in a bombing inside of a mosque in Peshawar. A Muslim mob torched dozens of homes in a Christian neighborhood in Karachi after a Christian man was accused of committing blasphemy.


The Sunni jihadist group Al Nusrah Front and Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah clashed for the first time near the Lebanese-Syrian border. The 21 UN peacekeepers seized by rebel forces in the Golan heights four days ago were released. Russia said it would not pressure President Assad to resign.

Ahrar al Sham

US and Europe in ‘major airlift of arms to Syrian rebels through Zagreb’


The Ansar al-Muslimeen in the Land of Black Africans (Ansaru) announced that it executed seven foreign hostages who were kidnapped last month. The Islamist group blamed rescue attempts by the British and Nigerian governments for the decision to kill the hostages. President Jonathan told Borno state elders he would not withdraw security forces unless the […]


US Cancels Transfer of Bagram Prison to Afghans

Prominent Afghan political leader escapes another assassination attempt

A bomb intended for the convoy of Afghan political leader Ustad Mohammad Mohaqiq exploded prematurely; a second bomb detonated by the stadium where Mohaqiq was expected to attend a political event, injuring three civilians. This was the third assassination attempt against Mohaqiq since June 2012.


Reports have emerged that al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb commander El Kairouani Abu Abdelhamid al-Kidali was killed by French and Chadian forces in Aguelhok on March 7. Kidal leads the mainly Toureg “Youssef ben Tachfine” brigade.


President Sall said Senegal is stepping up security along its border with Mali to prevent spillover of the Malian Islamist insurgency into his country. Senegal supports the French-led intervention in Mali and has contributed several hundred troops to the effort.


Defense Minister LeDrian said two Frenchmen have been detained while fighting with jihadists in Mali and are being deported to France. About 12 French citizens are thought to have gone to Mali for jihad. Vistorin Lurel, Minister of Overseas France, said the world needs more dictators like Hugo Chavez.

North Korea

Rejecting a UN Security Council resolution to end to its nuclear arms program, North Korea said it planned to become a full-fledged nuclear state. China called for calm.


Malaysian security forces stepped up their assault on Filipino Islamists in Sabah state in Borneo. So far 79 have been detained and 61 have died.

United Kingdom

Counterterrorism police raided the home of extremist cleric Abu Qatada in London on March 7, and he was arrested by the UK Border Agency today for violation of bail conditions. Authorities removed bags of evidence from his home; another residence and a business were also searched. The UK is still trying to deport him to […]


Wave of terror: Anti-Shia propaganda and threats emerge in Lahore


Best man Afghan Taliban may replace top negotiator

United States

Former al Qaeda spokesman Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, who was arrested in Jordan on Feb. 28, pled not guilty in a Manhattan district court to the charge of conspiring to kill Americans. According to the indictment, Ghaith had urged Afghans to swear allegiance to Osama bin Laden and agreed to assist him with the 9/11 attacks. […]


Security forces arrested 50 people for suspected links to a militant Filipino group that has occupied areas of Sabah province. Clashes between Malaysian security forces and the “Sulu Royal Army” continued in the province.